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When Zhao Yunlan was continuing to thinking about Angel Luo Fusheng and Ice Prince Shen Wei and Guo Changcheng was continuing to drinking his cold drink . Suddenly they heard a sound of someone ' s playing violin .

Guo Changcheng excitedly said .... " Oh God ! Shen Wei is again playing his violin . His music is so good . Whenever I heard his playing I felt like violin ' s music is piercing through my heart . "

" Guo , again you are praising so much about Shen Wei . Stop your praising . "...... said Zhao Yunlan feeling annoyed .

...... " Yunlan , you are saying this because you don't know about Shen Wei . ".... replied Guo .

....." What I don't know about Shen Wei ? .... asked Zhao Yunlan .

...... " You don't know that Shen Wei ' s violin playing holds a special meaning   ? ......  said Guo .

.....  " Meaning ? What type of meaning ".... curiously asked Zhao Yunlan to Guo .

..... " Shen Wei ' s violin expressed those feelings of Shen Wei which he can't express through himself . That's why if someone hear him playing the violin it's pierce through their hearts . Maybe Shen Wei looks like an cold and aloof person from outside or like a typical bad boy from outside but for mehe is  really a great person whom I admire so much .  " ..... said Guo with eyes full of admiration for the Ice Prince Shen Wei .

Zhao Yunlan just rolled his eyes at Guo Changcheng .

After their discussion about Ice Prince Shen Wei , Zhao Yunlan and Guo Changcheng started to coming out from the television room , when they were walking passed the reception suddenly the receptionist called Zhao Yunlan and said .... " Hey ..... Zhao Yunlan ..... Come here ..... Your best friend is calling you on the phone ..... "

Zhao Yunlan smiled happily and picked up the phone and said ..... " Hey .... What's up ? How are you now ? "

..... " I am fine now . I want to ask you that , can I visit your hostel in this coming weekend to spend time with you ? ..... "  said that person over the phone .

..... " Yes .... Yes .... Ofcourse ... That will be fun . Okay see ya ...... ".....  said Zhao Yunlan and kept the call .


Zhao Yunlan waiting for his best friend to arrive at the hostel ' s playing ground . After half an hour , his best friend arrived and happily ran towards Zhao Yunlan and pulled him into a tight hug and said .... " Hey .... Miss you so much .... "

                        LIU SANG

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                        LIU SANG

..... " Me too .... Me too .... Liu Sang ".... said Zhao Yunlan and hug him tightly . 

Zhao Yunlan then pulled away from the hug and said ..... " Now let us go to my hostel room and chat with each other as long as we wish . " And started to walking towards the hostel while holding Lui Sang ' s hands in his hands .

Zhao Yunlan and Lui Sang entered into Zhao Yunlan ' s hostel room and sat on the bed . Lui Sang said .... " Here I have bought your favourite strawberry cake for you . "

Zhao Yunlan happily took the cake box from Lui Sang ' s hand and started to served the cake on the plates and took out cold drink for them from his refrigerator . Zhao Yunlan said .... " This cake is so good . I really loved the cake . Thank you so much Lui Sang for bringing this cake for me . "

While eating , Lui Sang looked at the bath robe hanging on Zhao Yunlan ' s wardrobe and asked .... " Zhao Yunlan , whose this branded bath robe ? " ....

..... "   Oh .... Oh .... I borrowed it from someone so I thought I would returned it back to that person after washing the bath robe . "..... Zhao Yunlan afraidly said .

Lui Sang smiled at Zhao Yunlan and excitedly said ..... " Tell me .... Tell me .... This bath robe is from your new boyfriend Luo Fusheng ,  right ? Tell me ... Tell me .... What else happened between you two ? "

..... " Yeah .... Yeah .... It's from Luo Fusheng .... " .... said Zhao Yunlan smiling awkwardly .

Zhao Yunlan then looked at Lui Sang and said ..... " Look , Lui Sang , I want to discuss with you about something important , can I ? "

..... " Yes .... Yes .... Ofcourse ... Tell me what is it ? .... replied Lui Sang .

But before Zhao Yunlan could said anything suddenly Sang said Wang started to calling Zhao Yunlan and Lui Sang ....

.... Zhao Yunlan and Lui Sang quickly went to the hostel ' s room balcony and asked .... " What happened ? ".....

..... " Hey .... Yunlan ... Hey .... Sang ... See this football is calling you two to play with us .... So you two coming or not ? " .....

Lui Sang and Zhao Yunlan both looked at each other and nodded their heads in unison and replied .... " Okay ... We are coming to play . " ....

Lui Sang looked at Zhao Yunlan and said .... " We will discuss about that later . " ....

..... " Okay . Let's play football now  .... " Zhao Yunlan said while smiling . 

Zhao Yunlan and Lui Sang came at the play ground and started to playing ... In one team Lui Sang and Zhao Yunlan and in another team Sang and Wang .....

Lui Sang was playing the football really well , everytime Sang or Wang tried to defend Lui Sang , Sang were breaking their defence and scoring a goal . After playing for half an hour result was Yunlan's team .... 5 and Wang ' s team 1 and Yunlan ' s team won the match . Zhao Yunlan high fived with Lui Sang and said .... " I knew it . My Lui Sang is the best . See we won the match . "

Whereas in the other team , Wang was scolding his boyfriend Sang for losing the football match against Lui Sang and Zhao Yunlan . 

Suddenly they saw Shen Wei was passing by the football ground , so Wang called him and said .... " Shen Wei wanna play with us  "  ...

Shen Wei looked at them and just nodded his head .... " Yeah .... "....and came to play with them .

Now the team is between Zhao Yunlan and Lui Sang and in another Shen Wei and Sang . Both of the team started playing but now the one who is scoring goals is Shen Wei . Liu Sang could not scored any goals any Shen Wei .  And at last Shen Wei ' s team won the match .

Sang and Wang hugged Shen Wei tightly and said .... " You are the best , my friend . You are the best . "

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