A Brief Warning

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During the dinner, Roman and Remus talked to absolutely no one except each other and their mother. If that didn't speak for itself, what did? Logan observed the scene curiously, looking at his two friends crowding over the queen. They acted as if they rarely see her. That was interesting. Yes, the Queen was very ill but she still lived in the palace. Surely, they must see her regularly.

However, Logan was distracted from that important scene.

He was too busy wondering how he had offended Patton.

The fae seemed closed off and thoughtful, which were honestly traits he hadn't displayed before. Logan looked over to Patton hesitatingly but the fairy focused only on the food before him, only confirming the thought that he had majorly messed up. The table was filled with loud chatter but Logan could only hear the ringing silence between him and his friend. So, he tried to fix it.

"Did you know," He said, trying to keep his voice calm while his eyes were fixed calmly on his plate. "That the Ver are vegetarians?" Patton looked at him from the corner of his eye and Logan swallowed. "There are many misconceptions that the Ver are carnivores but their actual diet consists of plenty of nuts, leaves and berries. That's why not a single Ver on this table has touched their meat."

"I didn't know that," Patton mumbled. "What else do you know about the Ver?"

Logan shrugged nervously. "Not much. They are incredibly defensive and their magic could only be rivalled in someone's' dreams. But, despite this, they've refused to emerge from their forests until now."

Patton nodded slowly. "Cool. What about draaks?"

Now, draaks were something Logan knew about. "So, draaks are the pets and friends of the Ver. Their eyesight can adopt more easily to the world outside the forest, which is why the Ver has brought them, I assume. Kleindraaks are the most trainable but also incredibly dangerous. Their bite is so poisonous that one ounce of venom could take out a whole army."

"Woah..." Whispered Patton. "What else can a kleindraak do?"

"Well, they're incredibly intelligent," Logan said, preparing to list off his facts. "Some of the older kleindraaks can pick up certain feelings. Like, they can tell if someone has bad intentions or not but I don't think many of the kleindraaks brought here today are old enough."

Patton tilted his head. "What other types of draaks are there?"

Logan thought for a moment. "There are the waredraaks. They're pretty well-known though."

"Aren't they the draaks that-"

"-That the Ver Queen released open Bose for the murder of the Grey Elves, yes," Logan finished for Patton. "Huge, elemental monsters capable of mass destruction on an unknown level. Waredraaks are insane in numbers but they keep to themselves and their packs. They will only answer to the ruler of Verloor, unless they are a-"

"-A swartdraak?" Asked Patton hesitatingly.

Logan swallowed nervously. "Yes. The subrace of the waredraaks. A swartdraak thinks of killing and killing alone. They have been known to feast off Ver, though, and, luckily for us, they are picky eaters and don't like trying new foods. Besides, they don't matter, they're all in the oceans, anyway, hibernating."

Patton sighed softly. "Draaks are terrifying..."

The Ged nodded. "They are-"

He was on his feet, looking down towards the seats of the Bose royalty. They were all empty and he could only see their backs from under the table. The leaders of the other countries were desperately trying to settle something, almost beggingly.

He couldn't hear anything, but he could almost feel the screaming and crying in the air.

"Logan?" Patton shook his shoulders and the Ged looked around, wide-eyed. He was still sitting down. The fae looked almost scared. "Are you okay?"

"I-" Logan blinked, taking a moment to register the question. "I saw the future, I- But- I'm not sleeping- I!"

Patton suddenly caught onto what Logan was saying. "Okay, okay, calm down, Logan! What did you see? Was it good?" Logan didn't need to answer, Patton could tell by the grimace on his face. "Okay so it wasn't good, that's not good."

Logan couldn't help it when his gaze slid over to the happy royalty of Bose. Queen Melissa and King Haphul were smiling lovingly at each other while the twins were bickering about something dull. It was all calm. And the Ged felt the urge to warn them.

He wasn't scared that they'd take it the wrong way. Logan was easily one of the most respected people in the whole contest for his incredibly reliable predictions. Patton followed his gaze and quickly turned back to Logan fearfully as his friend stood.

No one else at the table had picked up on the obvious bad news that the Ged had but Logan didn't have a chance to warn them before Queen Melissa suddenly slumped off her seat.

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