CH.1 a new student

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Lucy's POV


Another a crappy day.

I got out my room and don't even wait to greet my father. I just go straight to school.

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When I got to school I went to immediately to my only friend. Levy.

"Hey Levy." I say to her.

"Hi Lucy. Did you hear?" She says to me while smiling.

"Did I hear what?" I say to her.

"About the new student who is coming to this school?" She said to me.

"Oh yeah. Sure I'm excited I guess." That was a lie.

He'll probably just be another jerk.

"Welp. I'm going to my lockers. Bye Levy." I say to her.

"Bye Lucy." She says to me

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As I get my books from my lockers I'm suddenly apporched by my bully.

"Heya slut." She said to me

"Please leave me alone." I say to her only to be punched in the gut by her.

"Don't tell me what to do you whore" she said to me.

Then she walked away.

Author's note: this isn't Lisanna. She'll appear later in the story but not as a bitch who wants to get with Natsu.

As I lay on the ground with my eyes closed I suddenly feel like crying.

"Do you need help?"

I open my eyes to a boy with pink hair holding out his hand for me. I grab his hand and he lifts me up.

"Ummm. Th-thanks." I say to him.

Why did I stammer?

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Umm. Ye-yeah. I g-gotta go to cl-class. Bye" I say to him then running off to my first period.

Why did I stammer so much?

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As I sit at my seat class suddenly starts.

"Alright class. Listen up we have a new student" the teacher says.

The door suddenly opens and it's the boy who helped me earlier.

He's the new student?

"Alright introduce yourself." The teacher says to him

"Hi. My name is Natsu Dragneel. I hope we can be friends. Also it's salmon not pink." He says out loud.

"Alright. Now let me choose your seat." The teacher said.

There was suddenly alot of girls chatting about how they hope it's them.

"Okay I've decided. Lucy raise your hand."

Without hesitation I raise my hand.

"Next to her." The teacher says to Natsu.

As he walks near the desk next to me I get a lot of angry girls glares.

As he sits down near me the teacher then starts the class properly.

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