CH.8 the 2nd date

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I was waiting for Natsu outside my house for our second date.

"Hey Luce."

speak of devil.

"Hey Natsu. So where do you want a go?" I say to him.

"I was thinking of going to the park. Is that okay?" He said to me.

A picnic? That sounds nice

"Sure." I say to him.

"Alright lets go." he said.

Timeskip Brought to you by Cluckin' Bell

As we go the park I decided that I wanna to holds hands. so without saying anything I put my hand on Natsu's

"Umm Luce, what are doing?" he asked while blushing a little.


"I just wanted to hold hands. Why, do you not want to?" I said to him.

"No I was just wondering that's all." he said.

after a few seconds of walking we had reach our spot.

"alright let's set up the picnic." he said while smiling.

God I could stare at his smile for hours.

After we set up the picnic we just sat, eat, and talked to each other.

after a while it got cold and I started shivering.

"Are you okay Luce?" he said to me.

"Yeah, I'm just cold." I said to him while looking the opposite direction.

"Here." he said.

I then looked back at him to see him holding his scarf to me.

I blushed at it.

"My father gave it to me but you can have it if you're cold." He said while blushing.

Without saying anything I put on the scarf.

"Th-thanks you Nat-Natsu, I fe-feeling much better." I say while blushing like crazy which was thankfully was covered by the scarf.

After that we continued on our date.

Timeskip brought to you by the Milton panthers.

While we walking to his house I still had his scarf around me.

It was so soft and smelled so nice.

Eventually when we got.

"This is your house?" I asked while memorizing the address.

"Yep." He said.

"Hey Natsu"

I look to see Natsu's dad.

"How was your "hanging with Lucy" today?" He said.

"It went great." Natsu said

"Hey where's your scarf?" Igneel said.

He than looked at me wearing said scarf and then looked back at Natsu then started smirking.

"It's nothing like that. She was just getting cold." Natsu said

"Sure." Natsu's dad said.

"Anyways come on Natsu. We need to talk about the cafe." He said to Natsu.

"Okay. Luce can I have my scarf back?" Natsu said.

I gave his scarf back to him while being sad I had to give it up.

"Bye Lucy." He said to me.

"Bye." I said back while waving.

After I left I suddenly a notification from my phone.

Lisanna: that went amazing.

I was confused.

Lucy: what was?

Lisanna: your date, I was in the area and decided to see how your date would go.

Lucy: oh. Do you really think it went well?

Lisanna: yes.

Lucy: well thank you. I gtg now bye.

Lisanna: bye.

To be continued.

Sorry for the wait. School sucks.

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