CH.11 confession

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Today was just an average day. I was in my last period waiting for School to end and admiring my Natsu.

"Okay class listen up"

as soon as the teacher said that I instantly jolted my head away from Natsu and listen to what he had to say.

"At Friday the school will be closing and the rest of the school year will be online."


The rest of the class shared my confusion with a lot of chatter.


That instantly quiet the entire class.

"Yes, due to the recent murders of our students, the Magnolia school district has announced that in order to protect our students they're going to close all the schools and will not reopen them until the murderers are found. Now do not think this is a reason not to come to class the following days. You will still be required to come here but after Friday you will have to strictly stay at home and do all your classes online. Thank you, and have a nice day." He said.

Then the bell rang and everyone went to go home.

"Huh, well that sucks, it means we won't to be able to see each other for a long time."

I instantly turned my head to see that Natsu said that.

"Yeah.... Sure does." I said.

"Hey are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I gotta go, bye Natsu." I said to him.

"Bye." He said while waving while also smiling.

After I walked out the class I instantly got a text

Lisanna: we need to have a meeting now.

I agreed I instantly went to the meeting spot.

Time skip brought to you by Joe's BBQ and foot massage

I went to see all the girls there waiting for me.

"Ah Lucy, please sit down we need to have a discussion about the recent announcement at our school." Lisanna said.

I did what she said and sat down.

"As you all no the school is planning to shut down due to our recent...... Removing of others I'll say, and so I say this is the perfect for all of us to confess to our senpai's." She said.

"Wait what, why?" Levy said with all the girls sharing the same confusion.

"Well it's simple, the police are not only getting now really serious about stopping us but are also that if any two students that don't live together are together they will instantly accused being a huge suspect and be interrogated, and it means we won't be able to stop others from taking our senpai's cuz that would be too hard for us to do. So me and my sister say it's best that we confess to our senpai's now and steak our claims before somebody else does." Mira said.

"Okay but one question." Erza said.

"Yes, Erza?" Lisanna said.

"What if our senpai's reject us?" Erza asked.

"Well that brings us to something very important. We suggest that you confess your love far away from anybody in public. Somewhere private. So that if they reject you, you can just kill them and marry their corpse." Mira said.

Well. If that's what I have to do.

"So is this the last time we will see each other?" Juvia asked.

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