CH.5 the date

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I had gotten up really happy because today is the day I go on a date with Natsu.

I decided to text Lisanna first
Li = Lisanna
Lu = Lucy

Lu: hey Lisanna.
Li: yes?
Lu: I'm going to go on my first date with Natsu. Any advice?
Li: firstly act like yourself. Secondly that's it. Just act like yourself.
Lu: but what if he doesn't like like myself?
Li: trust me. He will. He has very low standards.
Lu: okay. Thank you for the advice. GTG bye.
Li: good luck on your date.

Timeskip brought to you by Black Mesa

I went to where Natsu and I agreed to meet.

I go to find him waiting for me.

"Hey Natsu." I say to him

"Hey Lucy. So where do you want to go?" He says to me.

"I don't know. How about Burger shot?" I say to him

A fast food restaurant? Am I trying to put him away from me?

"Sure. Seems nice." He says to me.

Oh thank God.

Timeskip brought to you by Aperture Science

We order our food and sat down until our food was ready.

"So Lucy what are your interests?" He asks me.

"Books, cute things, cats, and video games if I'm in the right mood." I say to him.

"Hey I have a cat." He says with excitement.

"Really?" I asked with equal excitement.

"Yep. His name is Happy and I absolutely love him. Here's a pic of him." He then showed me a picture of his cat.

"OMG. He is so cute." I say to him.

"Thank you." He says to me.

"Number 72."

"That's us. I'll go get it." He then went and got our food and we ate it.

Timeskip brought to you by Burger shot

I went home with him.

"Wow. That's your house?" He says with amazement in his voice.

"Yeah. My dad is rich." I say to him.

"Cool. Anyways I had a good time. Hopefully we can go on more together." He says while smiling.

God I love his smile.

"I hope so too. Bye Natsu." I say to him.

"Bye Lucy." He then walked off.

I then got a text

Li: so how did it go?

Lu: it went great.

Li: that's great to hear.

Lu: thanks for the advice. Welp I am going to bed now.

Li: good night. See you on Monday.

To be continued

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