CH.6 helping a friend

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I was staring at Natsu.

He wasn't doing anything particularly interesting, he just talking with his new friends, who were coincidentally the senpais of my yandere friends, but I didn't care, I just wanted to stare at my Natsu.

"Earth to Lucy."

I was shocked by that but instantly calmed down when I saw who it was.

"Oh hey Levy." I say to her.

She giggled

"Got lost in thought while staring at your senpai?" She asked while smirking.

"Shut up." I said while pouting.

"Hey don't worry, I do it too. There's nothing to be ashamed of." She said.

"Okay. Sorry for getting mad at you." I say to her.

"It's okay. I don't blame you." She says while smiling.

"So what are you two talking about?"

I turned around to see it was Erza.

"Hi Erza. Nothing much, just about about "looking" at someone." Levy said to her.

"Cool. So how are you two doing?" Erza says.

"I'm doing good." Levy said to her.

"Same here." I added.

"Good. So umm..... I need both of your help with something." Erza said while twirling her fingers.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I can't say it here. Come on, I know a place where no one can hear or see us." She said.

Both me and Levy follow her.

Timeskip brought to you by the Organization of Free Nations. OFN for short.

We went to a blossom tree and then she checked to make sure that no one was around.

"Alright now I can tell you. I need help with a love rival." She said to us.

"Any reason why?" Levy said.

"Because she never goes anywhere without her sisters."  She said.

"Have you tried to get them to fall for someone else?" I asked.

"Yes but she is a stubborn ass. So will you help me?" She responded.

"Sure." I said.

"Why not? I'm in." Levy said.

"Thank you. Oh and one more thing her sisters are also in love with your guys respected senpais, so you'll both kill a love rival. It's a win for us all." Erza says.

"Oh. Is that so?" Levy said while looking like she was about ready to destroy the tree we were hiding behind.

"Yep. Now I need you, Lucy, to bring some trash bags to put the bodies in and Levy I need you to brings some gasoline." Erza said.

"Why?" Levy asked.

"Cause I told her to meet me at a abandoned, but still operational, furnace place so we could burn the bodies." She responded.

"Okay." Levy said.

"Anyways, I'll bring some knives so we can........ well you know." She said.

Me and Levy nod our heads.

"Okay. Here's the location of the furnace. Make sure you bring hoodies to hide our faces and make sure the blood doesn't get on us." She then handed us the location of the place.

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