CH.3 team Y

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Lucy's POV

What was she talking about?

"Yep you got everything to be a yandere. But" she then used the back of her head to hit me in the nose.

Next thing I know my knife was against my throat.

"I've been a yandere for longer than you." She said to me.

"Now listen up. Yes I am a ex-girlfriend of Natsu. No you don't have to worry about me stealing him from you. Do you understand?" She said to me.

I nod yes.

"Good now. Let me tell you a story. Along time ago I thought I was insanely in love with Natsu. So much I killed 10 people cause they were getting to close to him. But after I confessed my feelings and we started dating... well.... The feeling just went away. I didn't feel like I was in love with him. And after awhile we broke up." She said to me.

"Why would tell you tell me that you murdered people?" I asked her.

"Because of two reasons. One. You're a yandere too and two. I wanted to make sure we're on the same page."

"What? I'm not a yandere." I say to her.

"Really? Then explain why you killed that girl?" She said to me.

"How do you know about that?" I asked with horror in my voice.

"Cause you just told me." She said while smirking.


"No but seriously. Cause of your friend. She told that the last thing your bully did before she was murdered was kiss someone you have a crush in front of you and then told you to meet her at the abandoned warehouse, which coincidentally is near the river where her body was found." She said to me.

"Okay I admit it. I killed her but not because she kissed Natsu." I say to her.

"Really? Then if this was just a random girl you didn't know, you wouldn't have killed her then?" She asked me.

Before I answered that question I stopped and thought about it. Would I have reacted any differently if she was a random person I didn't know? I thought about it then I realized what the answer was.

No. I would have killed her the same.

I'm a yandere. I'm a person who would kill for Natsu.

"Welp. I'm waiting for the answer." She said to me.

"No. You're right. I'm a total yandere for Natsu." I say to her.

"Good. Now onto the main reason I brought you here." She said to me.

"I can help you get with Natsu." She said to me.

"REALLY!?!?" I said with absolute excitement.

"Yes. But you have to join a group I run with." She said.

"What's the group?" I asked her.

"Team Y. The Y is short for yandere. We're a group of yanderes who help each other to get their senpais." She said to me.

"And if I join, you all will help me get with my Natsu?" I asked her.

"Yep. So what do say?" She said to me.

"I'll join your group." I said to her.

She put the knife away from my throat.

"Good. Now let me introduce you to the rest of the group." She said to me.

Timeskip brought to by the Anus Inn.

We went to her house and up to the attic.

"Everyone. Introducing our newest member. Lucy Heartfilia." She said to everyone else.

"Alright everyone introduce yourself, and say who your senpai is. Let's start with your friend and who discovered you were a yandere." She says while pointing to one of the member.

I looked at who she was pointing at.

I was in shock to discover who it was.

"Levy?" I say in shock.

"Yep. I was the one who figured out you murdered that bitch of a woman. And the one who recommended you to this group as well. Anyways my senpai is Gajeel Redfox. He knocked out two bullies who were beating the crap out of me. Oh I love him." She says


"Hi I'm Erza Scarlet."

"Hey aren't you the school monitor?" I asked her.

"Yep. My senpai is Jellal Frenandes. Has been ever since we were 10." She replied back to me.


"Hi I'm Juvia Lockser and my senpai is Gray Fullbuster. He helped me up when I was pushed on the ground." She said to me.

"Next, my sister."

"Hi. My name is Mirajane Strauss. My senpai is Laxus Dreyar. He helped me with my problems. Them being assholes." She said to me

"And finally me. My senpai is Bickslow." She said to me.

"Alright team Y that's all the time we have for today. Levy could you be a dear and teach Lucy the ropes of being a yandere?" Lisanna asked Levy.

"I be glad to." She replied

"Good. Bye Lucy." She said to me.

"Ummm. I need that knife back." I say to her.

"Oh right. Here." She then handed back my knife.

"Oh and one more thing. Since you are dating Natsu I'll give you dating advice."

"Really?!?! Thank you so much." I say to her

"But note that if you even dare break his heart in anyway I will kill you. I don't care that we aren't dating anymore that doesn't I'll have his heart be broken by a bitch. Understand?!" She says to me.

"Don't worry I wouldn't think about doing that. Bye everyone" I replied.

"Bye Lucy." They said in unison.

I then went out the door and back home.

To be continued.

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