CH.9 helping

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I had just finish cheerleading practice.

I was packing up when suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You did amazing today." I turned around to see Mira smiling.

"Thank you Mira, that's very kind of you." I say while smiling back.

"You're welcome." She said.

We stood there in silence for a few seconds.

"So I need your help. Meet me at the back of the nearby hotel." She said.

I nod.

Timeskip brought to you by Grove Street.

I did what she said and waited for her.

"Thank you for coming." Mira said.

"No problem. Now what do you need me to do?" I said.

"I need you to get these items." She said while passing me a note.

I looked down at said note to look at the items on the list.

"Why can't you get them yourself?" I said to her.

"Cause the cops are getting real serious about stopping us and are heavily monitoring civilians, including what they buy, and I'm going to make a love rival's death seem like a suicide but there's a problem. You see the two of the items are rope and gloves and it's a well known fact that I hate this girl. You see the problem here right?" She said to me.

I nod my head.

"Good. Now here's the plan. As soon as you buy the items a associate of mine is going to come to your house and take them, you know, make it look like a robbery. You're part is just act confused after said robbery. As soon as he gets them he is going to give them to me and I'll use the items. Got it?" She said to me.

"Yep. I need to go shopping anyways so this is fine for me." I said.

"Good. Thank you for helping me." She said.

"You're welcome Mira." I said.

Timeskip brought to you by the inconvenience store.

After I bought the item I just put them on the table for the "robber". After that I went to bed.

Timeskip brought to you by big brother.

It was a week after the items were "stolen" and Mira received them.

I had no school today and out of sheer boredom I decided to watch some TV.

After watching some cartoons the news came on.

"Weazel news. Girl found hanged in apartment, Americans celebrate nationwide as their paparazzi goes down, people protest the police, and New Zealand annex's all Oceania countries."

I was wondering when she would get around to it.

"In a shocking surprise, a local girl has hanged herself in the Cora hotel. The girl has been identified as Karin Macer and has left the parents in tears. More on this story as it develops. In other news the local residents of Magnolia protests the Police as it has nearly been half a year since the murders of fairy tail high schoolers have started and the police are no closer to the discovery of the murder or murders. The police chief has stated that they are trying their hardest to get to the bottom of this and will continue until they get a lead."

Heh. Sure you will.

"In other news, Americans celebrate nationwide as their country is now the first one to have their paparazzi go out of business. Here to speak on the matter is a random Californian."

It then switched to a random Californian.

"It's about time those dicks went out of business. Now maybe we won't have to hear about them causing another celebrity to kill themselves. Now if you'll excuse me I have to eat some pot brownies."

It then cut back to the reporters at the station.

"And finally in what many are saying is the biggest surprise of all time, New Zealanders get tired of being ignored by the rest of the world. So the New Zealand government decides that the best way to not be ignored is to as the prime minister has announced 'annex other Oceanic countries' at first this wasn't taken seriously but then New Zealand actually accomplished it and has annexed the following countries. Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Indonesia. More on this story as it develops."

After that I was tired and decided to go to bed

To be continued.

Sorry for the long update. I was dealing with school. I will finish story don't you worry but expected a long waiting period for the next update. Sorry.

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