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Lucy's POV

I went to the abandoned warehouse like she said.

I went inside to see her there.

"Oh. I thought you would show up much later. Oh well. Let's go" she said to me.

She then charged at me to punch me but I dogde her attack and punched back.

"Oh. I thought you were too fat to dodge. No matter." She said to me.

"SHUT UP!" I said.

"What was that?" She asked angrily.

"I SAID SHUT UP YOU BITCH!" I yelled at her.

I then ran to attack her but she dodged it and punched me in the face.

As I layed on the floor she then walked up to me.

"Face it. You're a worthless nobody that doesn't even deserves to live." She said while smirking.

"And he is probably being nice to you to seem like the perfect person." She said to me.

That was my breaking point.

I then pounced on her and pulled out the knife.

"Hey what the he-" before she finished that sentence I yelled "SHUT UP AND DIE!" Then I stabbed her.

I stabbed over and over again while saying die.

After a solid minute of stabbing I stopped.

I looked at her now lifeless corpse. Then I started to laugh.

The feeling of finally getting rid of her made me happy. I laughed for half a minute.

After I stopped laughing I got a trash bag and stuffed her body into it. Then I dragged her body to the nearby river and threw the body in it.

After that I went home, changed clothes, and decided to go to bed. But then I got a text.

???: Hey is this Lucy?

Me: Who's asking?

???: Me. Natsu.


Natsu: it's fine. So how are doing?

Me: I'm doing great.

Natsu: that's good to hear.

Me: hey can I ask you something?

Natsu: sure go ahead.

Me: would you like to hang out with me on Saturday?

Natsu: sure.

Me: cool. Welp I'm going bed goodnight.

Natsu: goodnight.

As I fell asleep all I could think was YES. NATSU AND I ARE GOING ON A DATE.

Timeskip brought to you by doge

I woke up and got breakfast then decided to watch some TV

"Breaking news by Weazel news."

"Oh this should be interesting." I say out loud.

"A body was found in the local river today. The body has yet to be identified. But nonetheless it has left the police in shock and confused as this is the twelfth dead high schooler found this month and there's still no evidence that the attacks are linked other than them going to the same school, more on this story as it developes. In other news is the paparazzi going out of business? Many hope so."

I turned off the TV and head to school

Timeskip brought to you by feel good inc

As I went to see my Natsu I see a girl with white hair come up and hug him. I was angry but decided to hear their conversation.

"Hey Natsu." The girl said to him.

"Umm. Hey Lisanna. What's the meaning of this?" He asked her.

Lisanna huh? More like bitchanna.

"What? Just cause we're ex lovers doesn't mean we can't hug each other." She says to him.


"Look I gotta go. See ya Lisanna." Natsu said to her.

After he went to class Lisanna suddenly apporched me.

"Come and meet me at the abandoned chop shop" she whispered to me.

"Why should I?" I say to her.

"Trust me. You'll want to." She replied.

Yeah. I'll want to murder you.

Timeskip brought to you by Weazel news.

After class had I immediately went home and got a jacket, a knife, and a trash bag.

Then I walk to the abandoned chop shop.

Timeskip brought to you by a random guy.

I went inside the chop shop to see Lisanna with her back turned to me.

Without hesitation I put the knife between her throat.

"Listen you bitch. Stay away from my Natsu." I say to her.

"Ohhh yeah. You're perfect at this." She replied.


To be continued.

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