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I couldn't think of a title

Lucy's POV

I arrived at school to meet Levy.

When I found her I went to were she was hiding.

"Hey Levy." I say to her.

"Ah. Don't do that. You nearly gave me a heart attack." She said back.

"Sorry. I didn't mean too." I replied.

"It's fine. Anyways come look at this guy." She said to me.

I looked at who she was referring to.

"Yeah. What about him?" I asked.

"That's Sting Eucliffe. He is someone who has crush on Natsu and soon gonna announce his feelings to him." She said to me.

Oh really.

"Where should we take him?" I asked her.

"Slow your ropes there. Just cause we are yanderes doesn't mean we have to kill everyone who is in love with our senpai." She says to me.

"Okay. How?" I asked.

"Well luckily for you. Sting is bi. So if he were to fall in love with someone else he wouldn't have to date Natsu." She said while tapping her head.

"Umm. Okay but why did you mention that he is bi?" I asked.

"Well there's this girl, named Yukino Agari, who has a huge crush on Sting. If she confesses her feelings to him and they both go on a lovely date." She said to me.

"Then Sting doesn't need to announce his feelings and date Natsu." I say with excitement.

"Exactly. Now go to class and wait for lunch period. Then at lunch go to the roof to talk to Yukino about confessing her feelings. She should be the only white hair girl up there." She to me.

"Got it. Bye Levy." I then went to class.

Timeskip brought to you by Trevor Philips Industries.

I did what Levy and sure enough I found her.

I went up to her.

"Hey are you Yukino?" I asked her.

"Umm. Yeah, why do you want to know?" She asked me.

"Cause I want to help you get with your crush, Sting." I say to her.

"Really?" She asked with excitement.

"Yep. So what do say want me to help you?" I asked with a smile.

"Why do want to help?" She asked.

"Because I was denied love for most my life and I don't want you or others to either. So what do you say." I say to her.

"Okay. I will gladly take your help." She says to me.

"Good. now let's start with how to confess to him." I say to her.

Timeskip brought to you by 24/7.

I had prepared her to confess her feelings. She was ready.

"Okay. Now get out there and confess your love." I say while patting her on the back.

"I'm still nervous." She says to me.

"You'll do fine. Now go out there." I say then pushing her in the direction of Sting.

She then went to where Sting was sitting and sat near him.

"Oh hey Yukino. What's up?" Sting said to her

"Hey Sting. I have something to confess to you." She says while blushing like crazy.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"I'm in love with you and was wondering if you would like to go out with me." She said really quickly.

"Yukino. I be happy to." He said to her.

"Really? That's amazing." She says with excitement.

They then both hug each other tightly.

That's one love rival gone.

"Umm. Lucy what are you doing?"

"Agh. Natsu what are you doing here?" I asked with horror.

"I saw you were staring at something and decided to check out what you were staring at." He said to me.

Wait I have an idea.

"Well you see Natsu. I was hiding here because I wanted to see how my friend would do. You see, I had just gave her confidence to confess her love to her crush." I say him in complete confidence.

"Wow Lucy that's so nice of you. You really are sweet girl." He said while giving me a big smile.

"Thank you." I say to him.

"Hey don't forget we are hanging out tommorow." He says to me.

"I won't. Bye Natsu." I say to him.

I then walk home

To be continued.

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