CH.10 a helping friend

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I was just watching my Natsu eating lunch with his friends being slightly mad that he wasn't eating with me.

"Hey Lucy."

I looked to see Erza talking to me.

"Hey Erza, what do you need?" I said to her.

"To show you something. Come with me." She said.

I followed her.

Timeskip brought to you by the Top Pat clan

We walked to the same tree we went to last time.

"So what do want to talk about?" I asked her.

"I found a love rival for you who plans on asking him out tomorrow." She said.

Oh God another?

"Are you kidding me? How people do I need to get rid of before I have Natsu for myself?" I asked while groaning.

"Tell you what. I will deal with her. She lives near me anyways and I do own you for helping with my love rival." She said while smiling.

"Please do." I said to her.

"Considered it done." She said.

Then the bell suddenly rang.

"Welp I got to go bye." I said to her.

"Bye." She says back.

I then walked to my 5th period.

Timeskip brought to you by horny jail

I walked to my 5th period which was science.

There I wrote down the notes and stared at Natsu when I finished.

"So handsome."

I didn't say that. I'm mean I was thinking it but I didn't say that.

I looked where the sound came from to see a girl about my age sitting next her.

"Huh?" I said to her.

"Oh nothing, it's just that I have my eyes on Natsu Dragneel." She said.

Oh. A love rival huh? Great.

"Really?" I say to her.

"Yep. I'm going to confess my love to him tomorow." She said while smiling.

This must be the girl Erza told me about.

"Okay. Sure." I said.

"Alright everyone. Today I'm going to assign partners for a project." The teacher said.

"Here's the partners" he continued.

"1. Natsu, Lucy."

After he said that I practically stopped caring, besides I got what I wanted anyway.

"Aww man. Oh well. Atleast I still be able to get to confess my love tomorow." The girl next to me said.


After awhile me and Natsu sat down and got started on the project.

After awhile Natsu stopped.

"Looks like we won't be able to finish, wanna finish it tomorrow?" He asked.

This could be a opportunity to hang out more.

"I have a better idea, why don't we go to my house and finish there?" I asked.

"Really? Sure." He said while smiling.

After that the bell rang.

Timeskip brought to you by my lazy ass

I waited for him to get here.

After awhile I heard a knock and instantly went to open the door.

"Hey Lucy, so ready to finish the project?" He said while smiling.

I nod my head.

After awhile we finished the project.

"Welp got to get going." He said while waving.

But then he opened the door and saw that it was raining heavily.

"Crap. I didn't bring an umbrella. Oh well." He said.


Silence filled the room.

Crap why'd I say that?

"I guess I could ask my dad." He said.

Oh thank God.

He then called his dad and I waited for the answer.

"He said it's okay. As long as I come home as soon as the rain stops." He said.

Yay. I get to spend more time with him.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked.

Hmm. What can we do? That isn't lewd. I got a idea.

"How about watching a movie?" I asked him.

He raised a thumb up.

Then I picked a movie and put it in the cd player.

After awhile I started to get cold.

"You okay? You're shivering a lot." He asked me.

"Ye-yeah, I'm ok-okay." I said to him.

He than pulled his arm around me and pulled me closer to him.

I started to blushing like crazy.

"Better?" He asked.

I did start to warm up thanks to his body. I nod my head and continued to watch the movie.

After awhile the rain was gone. He then got to go home.

I was upset that he had to go.

"Bye Lucy. See you tomorrow." He said while smiling.

He then walked out the door and closed the door.

After that I went to bed.

Timeskip brought to you by timeskip inc

I got up and did my usually morning routine before school. I decided to watch some TV.

"Breaking news by Weazel news. Girl brutally stabbed to death in her own house, man who finds out how to out pizza the hut has brain blow out on live TV, and the United Kingdom dies and leaves all territory in the Americas to the United States, including the Falklands. Argentinians are pissed."

I guess the girl is the love rival.

"Another Fairy Tail high school student has been murdered. This time in her own house." Yep definitely is.

After awhile I went to school

To be continued.

Ps I'm going to be finished this story in the next chapter.

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