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I was just sitting with my Natsu on the couch.

It was a total of 10 years since we confess each other's Love. In the time I became the CEO of my dad's company, got married to Natsu, and my friends, who I still keep up with, went on to have good lives with their husbands.

"Thanks for breakfast mom."

"Yeah it was good."

Oh and me and Natsu had two kids.

"You're welcome, but it's time for the both of you to go to school." I said to them.

"Awwww." Our daughter, Nashi, said.

"Do we have to?" Our son, Luke, said.

"Listen to your mother you two, and go to school now." Natsu said.

"Yes dad." They said.

They both got their backpacks and lunches and headed to the bus.

"Bye mom, bye dad. I love both of you." Nashi said.

"Me too." Luke said.

"And we love you both too." I said while both me and Natsu waved at them.

"I'm so happy about them." I said after the bus had left.

"Me too Luce, me too." He said while smiling that same smile from when we first met.

"Well since we don't have anything to do today, want to go back inside and watch some TV?" I asked.

I nod my head.

He both went back inside and then sat on the couch.

"Welp, let's see what's good to watch today." I said.

"I agree." He said with the remote.

He then turned on the TV.

"Breaking news by Weazel news."

"Ughh. I guess we got to watch the news first." He said.

"The empire of Florida celebrates it's 10th anniversary, people are questioning whether we should allow Germans to exist, and finally Magnolia police get boo'd at as it's the 10th anniversary since the murder of Fairy Tail high schoolers has stopped and they still don't have a lead."

Oh the last one should be interesting.

"The empire of Florida, formally the country known as the United States of America, celebrate it's 10th anniversary of being announced and declared by none other than King Florida man, it is a great day for all in the empire of Florida. Unless of course you live in any of the territories that it annexed. Such as Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Nicaragua, the Bahamas, El Salvador, Panama, Costa Rica, Belize, Jamaica, any of the smaller Caribbean islands, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, the Dominican republic, Columbia, and Venezuela. But chances are if you ever complained about the empire of Florida in any of these territories chances are you're already dead, so it really doesn't matter."

"I still can't believe he somehow managed to do that." Natsu said.

"Same here Natsu, same here." I said.

"In other news, the Magnolia police department had a bunch of people gather outside said department and boo at them, as it's been 10 years since the murder of Fairy Tail high schoolers has ended, and the police still don't have any leads whatsoever even after staying on the case 5 years after said murders had ended, and when they drop the case amir 7 years after the said murders had ended, which has resulted in a huge public backlash by the people of Magnolia, not only by the parents who lost their son and or daughter to the murders, but by the average citizen who is gobsmacked at the "incompetency" of the police despite the fact that they receive 35 million in taxpayers money. Here to speak on the matter, is the mother of Macy Lucklers, one of the victims of said murders."

Author's note: the girl murdered at the beginning of the story

It than cut to her.

"It's just so depressing, my only daughter was murder and I won't ever see her grow up, and the police couldn't even get one lead, and I still have to pay these dumbasses my tax money? Why should I?" She said while crying.

It then cut back to the station.

"The police have tried to defend themselves, saying that the murders were something they tried their best to find out who was the murder or murders but they were too sneaky for the best they could offer, this is something that hasn't worked and has resulted in more and more people getting angry at them. Still, people, regardless of if their opinion on the matter of the police during the situation, can all agree that the murders were a sad, horrible, and tragic event for Magnolia. In other news, Germans, should we allow them to exist?"

"I still don't understand." He said.

"Understand what, Sweetie?" I asked him.

"Why would anyone want murder them and who would as well?" He said.

Yeah, who would and why, indeed Natsu, who and why?

"I don't know either." I said.

I then got a notification on my phone.

It was a message from my friends.

"Hey Natsu, I'm going to be on my phone for a little bit is that ok?" I said while smiling.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" He said.

"Thank you sweetie." I said.

I then went to messages.

Lisanna: did you all see the news?

Levy: yep.

Erza: yes.

Mira: sure did.

Juvia: I saw it.

Me: yep.

Lisanna: what truly horrible event.

Levy: I know right?

Erza: so sad and tragic.

Mira: I mean, who would do such horrible acts?

Juvia: and why, as well?

Me: I don't know, it's a complete mystery.

Lisanna: welp, I just wanted to talk about that. Goodbye and have a nice day.

Everyone including me: thank you, you have a good day as well.

I got off my phone and went back to hugging my Natsu.

"I love you Lucy." He said.

"I love you too, Natsu." I said.

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