A New Beginning

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March 27th, 2015

I curse the day alarms were made.

I open my eyes and rub them slightly, the sunlight pouring in from the curtain I forgot to draw last night. I love English sunlight, there's something different about it.

You literally wouldn't know you haven't been anywhere. I think to myself.

I chuckle to myself and reach for my phone, 9:03 am.

My flight is in two hours.

I shower and get myself ready and head downstairs where Dad is already up and about making pancakes. They smell so good.

"I'm gonna miss the smell of this!" I say grabbing a plate.

"You look airport ready." He says to me smiling, serving pancakes onto my plate. I look down at myself, leggings, vans and a giant hoodie. I pet my hair that's in a ruffled ponytail and smile at him. After breakfast, Dad helps me get everything into the car. I place my phone into my snacks backpack for the plane and throw it in the boot. I watch as Dad drives away from the house and down the trail onto the highway. The sunlight pours from the breaks in-between the trees and onto the car. I smile at Dad as he turns up the radio, 'Almost' By Hozier begins to play.

Dad and I sing along to the song, making jokes and laughing as we point to areas of Holmes Chapel where we share memories. I turn the music down and hear a vibration coming from the boot.

"I think your phones ringing." Dad says. I look around and twist my body to look at the backseat.

If you pull over, you'll be late for your flight. If it's a call it can wait. I remind myself.

I look to the front of the car and notice the time, 10:57 am. "It's fine. Can I text Anne and Gemma on your phone? It's probably just them wishing me a safe flight." I say and text both of them from my Dad's phone. I put his phone face down in the console and listen to the music, admiring all the places I won't see for a long time.

We arrive at the airport and take all the bags out. We take a seat in the waiting area while we wait for the flight to be called. I place the snack bag at my feet and be present with my Dad. As much as I feel like I'm about to crap myself, I can't imagine how he's feeling.

"You good, Daddio?" I say nudging his shoulder.

"I think I'm gonna throw up. Is it too late for you to stay home and have some kind of normal career? The bakery is hiring." He batts his eyelashes at me and I laugh. "I'm afraid it's far too late now," I remember my words I told harry. "It's too late to back out now..." I say to Dad who takes a deep breath, exhaling as he slumps down into his chair.

"Flight 273 to LAX, flight 273. Your plane is now boarding. Your plane is now boarding, flight 273 to LAX." The familiar voice booms.

"I'm gonna be fine!" I say and stand up, my Dad following. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze tightly. "Hang out with Robin yeah? And don't forget tea with Gemma and Anne. Please look after yourself, I know you get lonely and it's just hard to be so lonely you know?" He cuts me off and hugs me tighter.

"Relax, Tilly. I won't forget anything." He assures me. I smile and take my luggage.

"I'm not forgetting anything right?" I say looking around me.

"Nope. I don't think so!" He says.

I walk to the boarding entrance and feel my heartbeat in my stomach. I look back at my Dad who is waving frantically. I'm gonna miss that man, but there's always phones. Right?

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