Flashing Lights

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December 31st, 2015

Last night Gemma, Harry and I stayed home to watch The Wizard of Oz when our parents went out with a group of Anne's old friends from school. The Wizard of Oz always creeped me out, even as an adult the flying monkeys make my skin crawl. Harry suggested we go for a 'quick' in his word's road trip to the Lyceum Theatre in London before we go home, that way we can spend the last few days in London together and bring in the New Year in 'style' as he said. I think he was referencing himself which was a laugh.

So, here we are, three days out until my flight back to LA to begin the American promotional tour of 'Pond', and the three of us are driving to London in Gemma's car. How very spontaneous of us. We're meeting Dad and Anne there because Dad had work so Anne said she didn't want him driving up alone. We booked our hotel rooms late last night in between the munchkins singing. I've always loved musicals so when Harry saw 'Mamma Mia!' was playing in London he knew we wouldn't be able to miss it. My train of thought is interrupted by Gemma and Harry arguing over what music to play.

"I'm not listening to another Spice Girls song, Gemma, that's the sixth one in a row. I thought we were going turn by turn?" Harry says as he flails his hand in the air, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"And I asked you, six songs ago, what song you wanted, and not once did you reply so don't get shitty with me now, asshole." Gemma says and I giggle at her as I look out the window.

"You know, having the two of you in the front was a bad idea." I say out loud, meeting Harry's eyes in the review mirror.

Those damn eyes.

January 11th, 2011

"I shouldn't even need to get my licence." Harry says huffing at Anne as I sit in the backseat watching him drive to the DMV. I honestly don't understand why he doesn't want his licence. I can't wait to get mine. The freedom I'll feel is most likely unmatchable.

"Mate, you're not going across the world without having your licence." Anne says gently.

"I've already-" Harry protests but Anne cuts him off.

"I know, darling but what happens when you need to hire a car? Fame doesn't equal easy, its most likely anything other than easy." She says and I meet with his eyes in the review mirror. He makes silly faces at me, but Anne is quick to notice and slaps at his knee. He laughs and I watch Anne's straight face turn to a warm smile.

December 31st, 2015

"That's it!" Gemma shouts and Harry falls silent.

"Tilly, sit in the front, Harry I'm taking over the wheel, take a left up here there's a petrol station." She says and Harry's eyes roll at her and he takes the exit from the highway.

We pull into a small town and Gemma points at the gas station which is a small white concreted home with two bright red petrol pumps, the words 'Red Pump Garage' in large block writing are above the door.

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