Movie Premiere

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GUYS!!!!!!!!!! How are we feeling?? This week is going to be crazy and I swearrr if we don't get an Infinity mv I will cry, not that I haven't already cried so many times these past 72 hours haha. 

This chapter I'm introducing a new character and I'm using Rudy Pankow as a face claim!

Happy 10 years!

23rd of July 2010

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23rd of July 2010

"I just think it's crazy!" A girl behind me in the library whispers to her friend. I ignore her comment and continue with my studies.

"Right! Like, one minute he's over there studying and the next he's in a literal boy band!" The other says as she points to my table. Harry and I always liked this table because it's near the biggest window in our school library, so the sun pours in against our papers.

"At least he's going places..." The other says chuckling and I know in an instant she's aiming her bitchy comments at me.

"Hey Tilly!" She says and I turn around to face her. I look at her as she leans forward over the table, resting her arms in front of her. She tucks her blonde straightened hair behind her ear as she looks to her friend and smirks, her bronzer looks really awful.

"How does it feel being the best friend of a soon to be pop star?" She says sarcastically.

"Pretty good actually. If you don't mind I'm trying to –" I say back at her, turning around before I'm interrupted by her friend.

"Hailey, she's in love with the soon to be pop star." The other says nudging her friend.

"I'm not in love with Harry." I scoff back at her as I pick up my pen and put it to my paper.

"Sure, you are! It just sucks that he's gonna leave soon, and you're gonna be here. Your always gonna be here. I hear there's a position opening at the bakery now that Harry has left." Hailey says as she twirls her hair around her finger.

I feel anger bubbling inside me. They don't know what they're talking about.

Be the bigger person, Tilly.

"Oh, and if you think acting is gonna work out you're kidding yourself. If you're lucky enough maybe you'll end up like your mum... d-" The other torts at me.

I stand to my feet and walk over to her and take her shirt in my fist and pull her face towards mine, my anger taking over at the mention of my Mum.

"How fucking dare you talk about my Mum." I hiss at her. I stare into her blue eyes and notice the mascara on her eyelids from her shitty application.

"Tilly, she didn't mean it." The other says.

"Shut up." I snap back at her, darting my eyes to her friend, watching as she backs down. I turn my attention back to her friend whose uniform in gripped in my fist. I loosen realising how scared she looks.

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