When All Is Said And Done

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A/N: The final chapter is here... I hope you enjoy it as much as I truely enjoyed writing this book. 

May 1st, 2021

I've been staring at the girl in the mirror for what feels like hours. Her brown hair falls in curls loosely around her bare shoulders, kissed with the white lace of her dress that sits just above her collar bones that glow a healthy, radiant tan. She's me. And if you had told me this would be me only a few years ago, I wouldn't have believed you. I take the small pearl earring from the bathroom counter and put it into my ear and adjust it ever so slightly. I let out a sigh and force a big smile in an attempt to calm my nerves and laugh at myself.


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"Shit." I say aloud, almost an exhale.

After finding out having children was near impossible, I felt empty for the months following it. So much so that Harry and I genuinely considered calling off the wedding. I spent nights sitting in the bottom of the shower staring at the wall and during the days that followed I threw myself into my work entirely. Then Harry suggested therapy, I'd never been to therapy before and it was helping for a little while until the feelings began to creep back in and I spiralled. Harry was away for work and I went out to buy myself a deck of cigarettes and a bottle of whisky and finished both in under an hour alone in the darkness of what would have been our first born's room. The next morning not only had I developed one of the worst hangovers humanely possible, but I had also realised I couldn't live like this anymore and that as much as it hurt, it happened for a reason and like Harry said... It happened to me because I'm strong.

Followed by a gentle knock at the door Gemma comes in in a burnt orange bridesmaids dress holding a white piece of fabric and I smile at her.

"You look wonderful, Gem

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"You look wonderful, Gem." I say as I turn around.

"Says the literal bride! You look gorgeous, Tilly." She smiles, kissing my cheek.

I turn around to the mirror again and Gemma adjusts the veil, small pearls laced into the fabric, into my hair and I trace my fingers along my dress and take a deep breath and look up to Gemma in the mirror who stands behind me with her hands on my shoulders. 

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