The Real Deal

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January 7th, 2020

"You really don't have to go so soon, right? Maybe just stay a little longer..." Gemma says to Harry as she hugs him goodbye in the airport terminal and I rest my head on Anne's shoulder as we sit waiting for Harry and I's plane to be called into boarding. Harry wraps his hands around her torso and nestles his head into her shoulder and a soft smile surfaces on my lips.

"Yeah I do..." Harry says softly to her and I hear her sigh.

"I'm gonna miss you, little dude." Gemma says and Harry chuckles to himself.

"I'm a lot bigger than you, y'know!" He says playfully and she nudges her fist into his shoulder.

I always wanted a sibling. Someone to mess around with and someone to fight with but at the end of the day I'd know they loved me more than anyone else. Our flight is called out over the loudspeaker and Gemma throws her arms around Harry once more and I see her mouth the words 'Don't go' and a sinking feeling erupts in the pit of my stomach and I feel saddened. I remember long ago Harry explained that it never gets easier saying goodbye and I guess a part of me wish it had. But it never did. Seeing Anne's face as she moves her face away from my forehead when she kisses it goodbye and watching Gemma desperately grasp onto her brothers arms for reassurance he's still here, yet so very unsure of when their next meet up will be.

"Have a safe flight, my darlings and call me as soon as you land." Anne says as she pulls both Harry and I into a hug, their warmth emulating the feeling of Dad's hugs and for a second the busy airport is quiet.

"Um, okay, no invite?" Gemma says as she jumps onto my back and kisses my cheek, wrapping her arms around my shoulders and the four of us stand like a family saying our goodbyes as we depart for the next few months.

"Flight 337 to L.A.X is now barding, final call for flight 337 to L.A.X." The lady over the loudspeaker announces and we break from our hug.

"Cya." Harry says casually but I know from his glassy eyes this is hard on him, i'd be lying if I said it wasn't difficult on me as well.

"Cya." Anne smiles sweetly and I kiss her cheek.

"Thank you." I say and she takes my cheeks in her hands and presses her forehead against mine and I giggle. I turn to walk away, a backpack slung over my shoulders and a suitcase wheeling behind me as I wheel it along the ground and walk backwards, one hand in Harry's and the other blowing a kiss to Anne and Gemma who stand watching us leave.

"Put a ring on it Styles!" Gemma shouts out, her hands cupping her mouth as she rocks back on her heels and Harry laughs.

"I love you!" He calls out and the two of them disappear as we walk around the corner to the terminal.


We arrive back in L.A. at two in the morning and Chris awaits us on the pick-up bay outside the airport. Still at two in the morning, the airport is crazy busy. We collect our baggage from the conveyer belt and make our way to the black SUV where Chris stands with the door open, a wide smile on his face and I break out of my professionalism and run over to him, throwing my hands around his neck and he gasps with a laugh.

"Oh!" He says taken aback.

"I've missed you, Chris Green!" I say and he laughs.

"Back atcha Miss Jackson!" He says and I frown, letting go of the hug.

"We talked about this, you can call me Ti-"

"Tilly! Yes, I know." He interrupts with a warm smile and I smile back, tilting my head to the side.

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