Seventy-Four Roses

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February 12th, 2017

I watch as Damon and Emma move about my living room picking up laminated colour pallets and holding them to my dress for the movie premiere of 'Foxtrot'. We've been at this for four days and every day seems to be going longer than expected but I'd rather be hidden away, having various makeup looks being tested on me rather than looked at by the public. I was asleep for almost two days, only ever leaving bed for food and the bathroom, before the jetlag left my body. But of course, I checked my phone and a sneaky paparazzi managed to get photos of me at the airport without my hood covering my face and without a doubt, I definitely looked to be crying so the media has had an absolute feeding frenzy with multiple stories surfacing, I just count my lucky stars no photos of Harry and I ever surfaced. Speaking of Harry... I pick up my phone and see the multiple messages, missed calls and notifications I've gotten over the last two hours. I've been home for under a month and still haven't heard from Harry, but like he said, he can't promise to keep in contact with me as frequent as I'd like. I leave for New York tomorrow morning to kick off the worldwide publicity tour for the Spielberg movie tomorrow, so I suppose I won't have enough time to worry about him anyways.

"Tilly?" Emma asks as she holds up two colour pallets in front of me, one golden and shimmery whilst the other completely juxtaposes the gold with black and dark hues of blue.

"What?" I say softly.

"Told you she wasn't listening." Damon says as he cleans the makeup brushes.

"Damon says we do a dark look for your eyes, but I said to do a golden look." Emma says and I roll my eyes at her and shake my head laughing.

"Aren't you supposed to worry about my hair?" I joke and Damon points a long pointy thin makeup brush at us with a large smile on his face.

"Exactly!" He shouts and begins to curse in Greek.

"Eísai tóso ilíthios merikés forés den xéro giatí to skatá akoúo ton ilíthio kólo sou." He says as he throws his hands up in the air.

"Stop calling me stupid!" Emma says as she spins around to him and walks up to him.

"Wait, you speak Greek?" I say in shock, sitting up in the makeup chair.

"After working with someone for four and a half years you learn a thing or two..." She turns around to me and says with a smile.

"... such as how to call someone stupid in Greek!" She yells back at Damon and walks over to him and the two go off like firecrackers at one another, pointing, shouting and screaming.

"I'm going for a smoke." I say as I take the cigarette packet from the bench and walk out to the balcony, definite that neither one of them heard me.

I shut the glass doors behind me and lean over the railing, looking out onto the busy street and light the cigarette. I inhale the smoke deeply and close my eyes and listen to the sounds of L.A. below me.

"Where are you Harry?" I whisper to myself as I slowly open my eyes. The glass door opens and closes, and I don't turn around to see who it is.

"Emma, I just need five." I say softly, placing the cigarette between my lips.

"I think Emma does too." I hear the familiar thick American accent say and I turn around to see James standing in a black tee shirt and black dress pants, a toothpick in between his lips and I smile, throwing my arms around his neck, holding the cigarette up so I don't accidently burn him.

"James!" I shout, feeling so happy to see him. He was finishing his scenes for the movie in Rome these last few weeks, so we haven't spoken much, and truth be told, I've felt extremely isolated.

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