Pinkie Fingers

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A/N: i had to update this asap it's my favourite chapter

January 13th, 2017

We've been in Amsterdam for about a week and a half and we leave again in four days. Gemma will go to London a day early before the rest of us but after that Anne and Dad will go back to Holmes Chapel, Harry will go to Scotland to film the music video for 'Sign of The Times' and I'll go back to L.A. When we arrived, the snow was melting and there's no longer any sludge here from old snow. The weather has been relatively lovely, by lunchtime I can't wear a coat from the warmth. We spent the first few days sight-seeing the canal, indulging in the waterfront and seeing museums and art galleries as well as going to the Anne Frank House which was entirely thought provoking. I lay in bed looking at Gemma in the bed next to me fast sleep, curled up with her hands pressed under her cheeks. I roll over and look out the window at the indigo night sky, stars freckling the sky as the shine and glimmer.

"Who knew, hey?" I say to the blinking stars. I think about the sleepless nights I'd spend talking to the stars when I felt lonely, I wonder if they're proud of me and everything I've accomplished, even if they are stars.


January 14th, 2017

"I think we should go somewhere." Harry says as we lay on the living room floor eating from a bag of chips, sun streaming across the floor in which we lay upon in our shared hotel room. Dad insisted we get a share hotel room so the five of us would be together for the holiday and apparently its less money, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Like where? We've seen almost every square inch of Amsterdam and I'm not going to lie to you, the shrooms from last night are kicking my ass." I say, crossing my leg over my other as I lay on the floor.

"But by god did we have some amazing conversations and I'm not talking about Amsterdam, Tilly." Harry says as he rolls onto his stomach and lays closer to me.

Just not the conversation.

"Harry, we came with our families we can't just up and go on another adventure." I say truthfully.

"But we've spent the last two weeks with them and when I release the album there's no telling when I'll see you again." He practically whispers as he fumbles at the tethers of the rug we lay on, his legs kicked up in the air behind him like a schoolgirl on the phone in bed.

"Where would we go?" I ask gently.

"Anywhere you want, tell me where and I'll make it happen." He says.

"Somewhere I can see the stars. Somewhere I can hear the ocean but also see trees as far as I can look... Somewhere that feels like home, but also an adventure. With lots and lots of flowers, the kind that grow behind your house in springtime, the small white ones." I say to Harry whose googling something on his phone.

"I think I've found your perfect adventure." He says as he kisses my cheek and I smile, feeling my cheeks blush.

"What do we do about Anne and Dad? Gemma leaves tomorrow anyways so she isn't a problem." I joke.

"Maybe they could come?" Harry says.

"Cut the trip short and we go somewhere away from anyone... A getaway." He says.

"You really want them to come?" I say back to him as I sit up cross legged, tightening my messy bun.

"Sure, we got to see some cool shit around here, but I don't feel like I had a real holiday with my Mum, Matilda. I haven't had a real holiday since..." He trails off and I catch his eyes staring into the distance.

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