Happy Birthday

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A/N: Hey!! I just wanna remind everyone that when something is underlined, it resonates or is/is going to be a part of Harry's life or means something to Harry. Enjoy!!

December 13th, 2018

Over the past few months, I've been on multiple TV shows, have met with dozens of designers and finalised my court decision to sue Melody for a breach in the contract when we found a loophole – turns out Melody was bluffing, and the contract was never legal. I've also got a new manager and after many background checks, he's pretty perfect. Tomorrow is my twenty-fourth birthday and Anne and Dad are coming to L.A. to be with Harry and I, Harry was able to make it home from tour for a little while to see me. We've been spending a lot of time together whenever we can and honestly, I feel myself falling harder every day. I suppose things are starting to look up from here on out, I met with Greta Gerwig only last week to discuss a period piece and filming for the Jane Campion movie wraps next weekend - everything is just perfect.

I take a sip from my mimosa and look out over the sweet city of L.A. that I've learnt to love. The soft pastel pink clouds above my head make me feel at ease, Harry's soft strumming of his guitar soothes my running mind as we sit on my balcony together. I should focus on my phone; I'm expecting a call from Montelle about a fitting for the movie premiere with Jane, but his strumming sounds so beautiful.

"What're you playing? It sounds new." I say to him and he looks up from his guitar at me, continuing to strum a gentle melody.

"Something I'm working on; I've actually got about five songs written for the new album." He says with a smile, setting his phone down on his knee as he strums at the guitar gently and I watch as his ring clad fingers pick ever so carefully at each string. Harry tried teaching me how to play once but I grew bored very quickly, maybe one day I'll pick it up again. My phone begins to ring and the name 'Montelle' appears on my screen. I pick up the phone and press it to my ear, hearing the soft voice of Montelle on the other line.

"Salut comment allez-vous?... Je suis heureux de me retrouver à Paris la semaine prochaine si cela vous convient? Parfait, je ne sais pas encore quoi mais je veux que vous ayez un répertoire créatif complet! Ok, parle vite alors, Montelle!" I say and hang up the phone, I figured it would last longer but I suppose she's a busy woman these days.

(Translation: Hi how are you? ... I am happy to be in Paris next week if that suits you? Perfect, I don't know what yet but I want you to have a complete creative repertoire! Ok, speak soon then, Montelle)

"What the fuck?" Harry says with a chuckle and I smirk at him.

"I picked up a few words here and there." I say confidently and sit up straight in my chair, pulling a cigarette from the fresh deck I bought yesterday, and Harry shakes his head at me.

"Don't be so judgemental." I say, lighting one as I place it between my lips.

"I'm not, just don't know why you smoke." He says, picking up his phone and pressing something on the screen and I shrug my shoulders at him.

"When you left, I grew very bored and Agatha Blue, remember her, Black hair and a wicked eyeliner? Well she asked me to hang out with she and her friends one afternoon after school so she drove us all out to the fields where we sat listening to Joni Mitchell, 'Big Yellow Taxi' and chain smoking cigarettes. I came home and showered straight away so Dad wouldn't smell it on me, but I was very sick that night so I'm pretty sure he knew." I say and Harry breaks out laughing at my very adolescent esque story.

"Shut up." I say, throwing a chip at him and he catches it in his mouth. I clap and laugh as he stands to his feet, overdramatically bowing with a serious look on his face.

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