New York City With Him

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A/N: This is a double update! The next chapter is in Harry's POV. Be ready for ALL the emotions ya'll!!!!!!

July 31st, 2016

"It is literally so hot." I say wiping sweat beads from my forehead as we take our bags from the cab and walk inside the hotel lobby. The busy sound of New York intensifying with every second. Cars beeping, people yelling in thick New Yorker accents and the smell of trash cans.

God, I love New York already.

"You haven't lost your English accent one bit, hey Tilly?" Harry says adjusting his black train driver hat.

"And I don't intend on it. I don't feel the need to change myself." I say sarcastically but something in him changes. His face drops ever so slightly.

"You okay, H?" I ask, my brow furrowing as I tilt my head sideways to look at him.

"Yeah. Let's get inside hey?" Harry snaps quickly, raising his eyebrows and smiling, close lipped. Something I said hurt him but after seventeen years of friendship, I know when not to pick at something and this is one of those times so I swallow hard and try letting it go as best I can.

We check into our room at the front desk and head to our room. Harry opens the door while I stand panting from the heat, despite the freezing aircon that billows the halls.

"Woah." I say with an attempt not to let my jaw hang wide open at the sight of the hotel room. Windows span from the pristine wooden floorboards to the high ceiling, the lounge chairs glossy white leather facing a large industrial fireplace. Matte black lights hang from the ceiling above the open loungeroom. The smell of linen washes over the room. I gasp and drop my bags at my feet in complete awe at what my eyes are fixated on. I walk to the windows and look below.

"H, I'm not sure if you're aware but we can quite literally see all of New York right now." I say and laugh.

"Can all of New York see us?" I ask genuinely concerned.

"Definitely not. They're tinted. Didn't think that would bother you. Aren't you used to walking in the street with your chest exposed?" He says and I huff, ignoring his remark.

I follow through to the kitchen and become acquainted with the black marble benches, cupboards the same colour black matte as the lights span around the kitchen. I walk to the fridge and open it, becoming increasingly aware it is very full of wonderful food that will be gone by tonight if I decide to pig out.

"Pretty neat huh? Check out the bedrooms. I'll let you have first pick at which one." He says and I spin around, showing him how shocked I am at the fact he just called the pretty much mansion 'neat'. He laughs and jumps on the white lounge, throwing his shoes across the room, making himself completely at home. I wouldn't eve dare touch the TV remote control in case I left a mark and here's Harry playing on his phone, feet stretched out across the most likely very expensive lounge.

"Sorry I forgot you're new to this." He says standing up, leaving his phone on the lounge. I look at him with my lips slightly parted, my head slowly nodding at him. He approaches me and escorts me to the bedrooms.

"Take this one. It's the smallest." He says and I laugh.

"Hell no." I say and walk to the bigger room further down the hall. I walk in and I'm met with a significantly larger room.

"I said take the smaller one because it'll feel less scary. When I first started touring with the band, I become overwhelmed and found out pretty fast I needed smaller rooms to feel less 'not at home' I suppose." He says leaning up against the door frame and I look at him with sympathy. I couldn't even begin to imagine leaving Dad at sixteen, let alone to tour the world.

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