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A/N: Warning: Things are about to get spicy

December 18th, 2012

"Tilly, I brought you some tea." Dad says softly as he knocks on my door but doesn't enter. I don't respond. Instead I roll over, pulling the covers under my chin and face the window with the blinds closed for the first time in a very long time. I haven't left my room since I heard the news about Harry which was around four days ago. I've subjected myself to hiding away in bed, ignoring the world beyond the walls of my very messy bedroom.

"Can I come in?" Dad whispers through the door and keep quiet, closing my eyes shut. He comes in and places the cup of tea with a blue zig zag print on my bedside table next to the numerous scrunched up tissues and my phone that hasn't been charged in three days. He sits down next to me and places his hand on my leg, tapping at it softly. At any moment I could break down into tears, only a few days ago it was announced Harry was linked in a relationship with Taylor Swift.

"Is there anything I can do?" He asks.

"Bring Harry back to me." I say quietly, swallowing my pride as I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to refrain from crying.

"I wish I could my darling. I really do." He says and I sit up in my bed and hug my knees to my chest, tears arising and this time there's no use in keeping my shit together because the more I do, the more insufferable the lump in my throat becomes. I inhale sharply and Dad pulls me into a hug.

"Do you think he loves her?" I ask quietly and Dad pats down my hair.

"I couldn't tell you, Til." He says truthfully, careful not to overstep and send me spiralling.

"I should've told him how I felt when he was here last month, do you think it would've changed much?" I whisper as I push the covers down slightly and lay on my stomach, clenching at the pillow beneath my head.

"I'd like to think so, but I wouldn't know." He says quietly.

I grip at the bed sheets, pushing my head into the pillow and the tightness within my chest becomes more prominent as I sob into the bed sheets, feeling all the pain in the world sitting upon my shoulders, pushing me further and further into the bed. I wish he was mine, always mine.

July 22nd, 2019

"What're you thinking about, love?" Harry asks me as he sits at the baby grand piano and I lay on the floor staring at the ceiling listening to him play something I haven't heard before softly at the keys. I sprawl myself out across the wooden floors in a starfish like position and tilt my head to the side, looking up at him.

"Not much... I miss you." I say to him and a smile forms at the sides of his lips.

"I'm right here." He says as his fingers continue to press against the keys.

"I don't want to be alone." I say quietly.

"Then don't." He responds, looking down at the piano. I stand to my feet and walk over to him, sitting beside him on the bench. I rest my head on his shoulder, my hands sitting in my lap as he plays at the piano.

"What're you playing?" I ask while watching his ring scattered fingers tap gently, yet passionately at the keys.

"It's called Falling. I wrote it a little while ago... Here, press at this key followed by these two." He says as he instructs me on which keys to play and I sit up, adjusting my posture to do so as I continue watching him play the three other keys in such a delicate manner. The keys sound so deeply vulnerable and it intrigues me as to what the songs about.

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