Epilogue 1

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October 6th, 2027

Tilly's POV

I rest on the cold tiled floor by the toilet in the bathroom and wipe my sweater to my mouth, removing any left-over vomit from the last five minutes spent with my head down the toilet. I throw my hand up and press on the flush button to clean out my breakfast, lunch and dinner compiled into one small porcelain bowl. I move to sit against the dark green tiled wall of the bathroom, my head looking to the ceiling, my chest rising and falling with each pant. A sudden ache strikes at my temple and my eyes squeeze shut in a failed attempt to remove as much pain as I possibly can. I rub my finger in gentle circular motions around my temple.

"Fuck..." I whisper aloud, eyes still closed. The cold hard marble tiles beneath me feel cool on my skin. I hear the front door open and close and harry calls out my name, but I don't respond. Instead, I sit here catching my breath and relaxing my stomach muscles. His footsteps grow closer and I sit up a little more, careful not to worry him any more than I already have these last two weeks.

It started not long ago, the nausea. Some days I'd wake up with it, leaving me with no choice but to accept Harry's help... But other days I wouldn't feel like this until late afternoons when he wasn't home or I was on set and I could at least pretend it was food poison or stress.

"I'm home and I brought us- Til!" Harry drops the tote bags full of groceries at his feet, several green apples spilling from the inside and rolling across the tile floor. I watch as he moves to be by my side and rests his hand behind my head to keep it comfortable, his other running up and down my leg. I turn my head and admire the creases in his forehead when he furrows his brows to show he's worried. I reach up and touch his cheek and smile softly at him and he shakes his head.

"Hey, H, how was recording?" I smile and he gently takes my hand from his cheek and holds it down in his own, a small smile curling on his lips.

"How long we're you throwing up for?" He asks. I take my hand from his gentle grip and reach out to tap his nose softly.

"Boop." I smile, but he doesn't smile back and I roll my eyes and slide myself up a little more to sit straight.

"Harry, I'm fine, my love." I stand to my feet and Harry watches as I stumble from the bathroom to the bed to sit down on.

"You should make a doctors appointment, Til." He says.

"No, Harry, it's just stress." I say while grabbing at his tattooed bicep as he assists me to my feet.

It's not as if I'm lying to him when I say its stress... After the wedding, I suppose everything just went from zero to a hundred. We left for our honeymoon a few days after the wedding and spent two weeks exploring South Asia and Northern Italy. I took a journal with me, one of those dark leather ones, and found myself writing poetry. When we arrived back in the US, my manager and I went over the book and figured why not publish this. After the book was published, it made the New York Best Sellers. From there, I went on to star in several more films as well as have my own directorial debut starring Halle which received several academy award nominations... two of which we won. He and I moved to London about a year ago and bought a house in the country so we we're closer to Anne and Gemma.

I stand to my feet and walk past a clearly nervous Harry with complete ease and I hear him follow me downstairs into the living room. I make my way to the long lounge and throw myself on it and take the remote in my hand and begin flicking through the channels.

"Do you need anything?" Harry calls out as he walks into the kitchen and I continue skipping through TV channels mindlessly.

"I have the strangest craving for peanut butter." I call out to him as I stumble upon a re-run of Modern Family. I stretch out my arms behind my back and get comfortable, feeling increasingly better than I did a few moments ago. I wait for Harry to respond but all I receive is silence which doesn't faze me until I look to my right and see Harry standing in the doorway of the hall that separates the kitchen and the living room with barn style glass doors.

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