• chapter one •

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Okay, okay. Deep breaths, Y/N. It'll be okay. It's just your first day, it's not a big deal. You've been in combat before, how hard can a job at the FBI be?

You walked into the building, following a couple people into the elevator, pressing six once you got in. You felt awkward and out of place, but no one seemed to notice that you weren't used to it here.

The small *ding* shook you from your thoughts. Get it together, Lieutenant. You can fucking shoot terrorists but you can't walk into a fucking building? Damn.

You stepped out of the elevator and walked to the glass doors of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. You saw people milling about the cubicles, all of them seemingly comfortable. You thought they would be able to discern you from everyone else as soon as you walked in. And they did.

They stared at you, mostly because you were new, but it was the way they stared at you that threw you off. It wasn't a "What is she doing here?" kind of stare. It was more like "Damn, she's badass," you know?

If felt like you were walking in slow motion into SSA Hotchner's office, but you knew you weren't. Just keep your head up, your shoulders back, and you'll be fine. Right?

You went up the steps to the little second floor hallway, walking up to his office and knocking on the already open door. He looked up and motioned you inside. "Have a seat, Lieutenant Y/L/N. It's an honor."

You proceeded to sit down, resting your bag on the floor at your feet. You crossed your legs and folded your hands over your knee, staring at him. He looked up and his face paled slightly. Chill, Y/N. There's no need to be overly intimidating.

You coughed, moving your hands off your knee and relaxing your gaze. "Sorry," you muttered, hoping he wouldn't think you were trying to be mean.

He chuckled. "It's fine. I just wasn't expecting you to look so authoritative. I guess you have to when your the first female SEAL." You laughed at his comment.

"Let's get started."

You flew through paperwork, as most of it was already taken care of. He explained the schedule a bit more in detail, and you were relieved that you would get some time off in this job. Ah, being able to sleep in your own bed more that once a year sounds lovely.

"Alright. I believe we're all set. Here is your gun and badge. You are now an official Agent, Lieutenant. Welcome to the team."

You shook his hand, giving him a small courtesy smile. You picked up the gun and badge from the desk and put them in your holster and coat pocket, respectively.

"We're meeting at the round table in a few minutes. Let me show you to your desk."

You followed Hotch's voice down to the cubicle's, and you immediately saw five others turn around when you appeared. Eavesdropping, you assumed. You smiled to yourself, a small exhale leaving your nose.

"Here's your desk." He pointed to a desk right in the middle of the other five people. Great.

"Round table in five minutes, guys." Everyone nodded, immediately bustling about and getting ready. It looked like they were packing their stuff away. I guess we were leaving for this case.

You felt a tap on you shoulder and turned to see a man behind you. He was taller than you, and his face looked sweet and innocent. "Hi, I'm Dr. Reid." He waved instead of extending his hand. So he's awkward and cute.

"Lieutenant Y/L/N." You caught yourself, realizing your mistake. "Sorry, not used to saying Agent. Anyway, I'm Y/N." You smiled, and he smiled back.

"Spencer. Nice to meet you. Do you need anything before we go to the table?" You shrugged your shoulders, and he gave a low chuckle in response. "I think you'll be fine. Hotch will help you out." You nodded. "Alright, cool."

He started walking, and you followed him. You didn't really know where this room was, so you just went with the flow. After a few seconds, you walked into a relatively small room with a round table and seven chairs. At each chair, there was a case file.

You went in and sat down towards the back, crossing your legs and folding your hands over your knees once again. You were hoping to not draw too much attention. Everyone else filed in, sneaking glances at you. Hotch was the last one to come in, and he set down another file before speaking.

"Everyone, this is Lieutenant Y/L/N. She's an ex-Navy SEAL, and she will be joining us at the BAU. She is also the first woman to ever be a Navy SEAL, so I'm incredibly grateful and honored to welcome her to the team."

Everyone turned and gawked at you. You smiled at them, and you thought it would be too much to bear, but Hotch called their attention to the screen. You blew out a sigh of relief. What was wrong with you today?

He went over the case file pretty quickly, stressing the importance of it. "If we're right, this guy may have killed well over 100 people. Wheels up in 30."

Everyone proceeded to close the files and get up. You followed suit, heading back to your desk. You slipped the file into your go bag and double checked to make sure you had everything. Clothes, toiletries.. fuck. You forgot your dog tags in your car.

You didn't even need them, so you didn't even know why you were worried that you didn't have them. You stood there for a second, contemplating whether or not you should get them, but then you felt another tap on your shoulder. You turned, seeing Dr. Reid again.

"You okay?" You nodded. "Yeah, I just... I left my dog tags in my car and I haven't travelled without them for years. I feel like I'm leaving something behind, which sounds stupid because I don't need them anymore."

He shook his head. "It's not stupid. Those dog tags were the only way you could've been identified out there, and it's what would've been given to your family as a sign of your service to this country. They're a part of you. Come on, I'll go with you. I left something down there, too."

You walked to the elevator and rode it down in silence. He seemed very respectful, not prying into your past, unlike most people do. It was nice.

You walked to your car after the doors opened, going to the passenger side and opening the door to get to the glove box. You opened it and rummaged for a second before pulling them out. They were dirty and old, but you felt safer with them on your body.

You put them on and turned to Spencer. "Don't you have to get something?" He shook his head. "I don't drive a car here. I take the bus."


So, he lied?

"Oh, okay. Why didn't you say that?"

He shrugged. "Wanted a better excuse to come with you." You blushed slightly.

"Come on, we gotta go. Wheels up soon, right?"

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