• chapter eleven •

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TW: descriptions of torture, mentions of r*pe; mentions of PTSD


He wanted me?

No, he wanted Olivia.

And Olivia was dead.

Hotch had ended the call, taking you into the chief's office and closing the door. You felt cold, like you were no longer a part of this world and you were just a ghost, living in the place of your old self.

He sat you down, staring at you and trying to get you to talk to him. It took all your energy to focus on him, to look into his eyes and see the fear he had for you, for everyone you knew and loved.

You had to look away.

He stopped after a minute, leaving the room. You were just sitting there, staring into space as time flew by.

If felt like it had been a million years before someone opened the door. It caught you by surprise, causing you to look up. It was Spencer, his face full of worry. He quickly closed the door, walking over to you and pulling you into a standing position, like he had in the hotel so long ago.

He squeezed you tight, his arms around your waist. He rocked back and forth, waiting for you to come back to reality.

It started out slow, warmth returning to your fingertips and toes as you shifted your arms up to his shoulders. His body heat gave you life, your surroundings coming into focus as you finally snapped back.

You kinda wished you could've stayed in your little ghost world. In that world, you don't cry. You don't feel. You're just there.

But here, emotions were kicking you into overdrive. You dug your fingers into his shoulders, your cries leaving your body with surprising force. He held you still, shifting a hand up to your head to keep you stable. He whispered in your ear, telling you it was gonna be okay and that he was here. You knew he was there.

But you also knew it wasn't going to be okay.

You're body started to succumb to the exhaustion your emotions created, and you slowly started to relax against Spencer. He held you up still, his hand tangled in your hair as he rocked back and forth.

You needed sleep. You needed it to be a new day, all of this proving to be a bad dream. You needed Spencer and his warmth and comfort.

He carefully set you back down on the couch he picked you up from, leaving the room. Hopefully, you could go to the hotel and sleep. You really needed sleep.

He came back a few seconds later, taking you outside and to the car. If you were anymore tired, you could've ignored the stares.

But you weren't tired enough.

He set you in the passenger seat, buckling your seatbelt for you as your mom had done for you when you were younger. It was such a small and sweet gesture, and you almost started crying again.

He climbed in the driver's seat and sped off, reaching the hotel a few minutes later. At this point you were basically asleep, so he carried you inside. His arms were holding you underneath your knees and back, your arms secured around his shoulders.

You swayed as he walked, nearly falling asleep in his arms as he took you into the elevator. It was silent, the only sound his breathing and faint heartbeat. You could've stayed there forever.

The elevator stopped at your floor, and he walked to the door. Wait, whose room were you going to? There were only two.

He grabbed the keycard and opened it up, going inside and shutting the door. He walked over and set you on the bed, your surroundings revealing that it was the room you had shared with Emily and JJ.

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