• epilogue •

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~five years later~

"Spence, hurry up! We're gonna be late!"

You heard footsteps followed by a crash upstairs, a string of curses floating down as Spencer rushed down the stairs. You laughed as he ran down the steps, his hair disheveled and his shoes untied. You finished packing the food for the day, slipping the lunches into the day bag.

"Erin! Let's go!"

"Coming, mom!"

Tiny footsteps raced down the stairs, the little girl rushing past and jumping on her father. He yelped as she attacked him, her tiny arms slipping around his neck. His face lit up like a Christmas tree, his own arms wrapping around her tiny form.

"Aren't you supposed to he putting on your shoes, sweetheart? It's your first day of school!"

"I don't wanna go to school, daddy! The kids are mean and you won't be there and I already know what they're doing."

Spencer pulled back and looked at the small child, his hands tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"I know, sweetie. You're the smartest four year old ever! But you gotta go to school so mommy and I can work, okay?"

The little girl nodded, her arms slowly coming away from Spencer's neck. He scooped her up and carried her over to you, her arms squirming as she reached out to you. You took her out of Spencer's arms, cradling her as you picked up the bags and walked out to the car. You buckled her into the backseat, setting the bags on the other side of her.

You walked back inside and saw Spencer leaning against the counter, his hair still a mess but his shoes tied.

"You ready to go?"

A small smile formed on his face.

"Not quite. There's still something I haven't done."

He started walking over to you, his arms reaching out and pulling you close.

"Spence, not right now! If you haven't done something you gotta go do it or else we'll be late!"

He chuckled, squeezing you tighter. You squirmed against his hold, wanting to break free but not really.

"Okay, what did you forget to do? I'll help you so we won't be as late."

He pulled away, his face close to yours.

"I forgot to do this."

You let out a tiny scream as he moved, lowering you down into a dip. His lips pressed against your gently, his hands holding you steady. You slipped your arms around his neck as he kissed you deeper, and butterflies swirled around in your stomach.

He broke the kiss a moment later, his forehead resting on yours as you caught your breath.

"What was that for?"

You sounded out of breath, and you felt your cheeks redden at how you sounded. He smiled, pulling you

"I just felt like it."

You giggled as he slipped his hand into yours, the both of you walking out to the car. He went to the driver's side and you went to the passenger's side, the car warm compared to the brisk air outside.

You dropped Erin off at school, you and Spencer walking her to her classroom.

"Alright, sweetie. You ready for your first day?"

She nodded. You smiled as you smoothed her shirt down, her tiny hands grabbing at you.

"I love you, sweetheart. You're gonna do great, okay?"

She nodded again, her tiny arms slipping around your neck. You squeezed her tight, kissing her forehead as she pulled away. She waved goodbye, the woman running the classroom taking her to a table.

"You okay?"

Spencer's voice pulled you away from watching her, his eyebrows knit together in concern.

"Yeah, I'm just worried. She's in a class with a bunch of seven and eight year olds and she's way smarter than them. I just don't want her to get bullied."

He took your hand and started to pull you away from the room, your eyes glued to the door.

"Y/N, it's okay. I made sure to give the teacher's a list of things that she can do when she's finished and she's going to eat lunch with her friends. She made some last year, remember?"

You nodded.

"She'll be okay. Now we gotta get to work."

You nodded once more, getting back in the car and speeding away. Spencer's hand never left yours the entire time, his thumb stroking the side of your hand in an attempt to comfort you. It eased your worries a little, and before you knew it, you were at the BAU.

You both hurried inside, riding up to the sixth floor and walking into the bullpen. JJ waved, then motioned to two coffee's at the edge of her desk.

"Oh, you rock. Thank you."

She smiled, returning to her work a moment later. You sat down at your desk, pulling out some paperwork and filling it out. It was routine stuff from your last case, just a couple of reports.

"Hey, we got another case."

You looked up at Emily's voice, a file in her hands. You sighed as you stood up, grabbing your phone and calling your sister.


"Hey. It's Y/N. I need you to watch Erin for a little bit. We got a new case today."

"Alright. When does school get out?"


"Okay, I'll take care of her. Be safe, Y/N."

"Will do. Love you."

You ended the call and walked into the round table room, sitting in between Tara and Spencer.

"Alright, go ahead Garcia."

"Matilda Jackson and Ryan Ableman. Two victims out of St. Louis, Missouri, both strangled and dumped in parks."

She hit a button the remote and pictures popped up, two bodies appearing on the screen.

"Victimology isn't consistent, he's crossed gender lines."

Garcia nodded. "They think this case is related to one from about 10 years ago, where two people — a man and a woman — were also killed and dumped in parks."

You flipped through the file, reading through the M.E. report.

"It says here that there was viagra in their system?"

"Yeah. It was an ungodly amount, but there wasn't any sign of sexual activity before death."


"It may be odd, but we can discuss this more on the jet."

You looked up at Emily's voice, her hands closing the file she was holding.

"Wheels up in 30."

A/N: thank you guys so much for the support on this story! i loved writing it, and it will always hold a special place in my heart because it was my first one. i can't wait to write more!

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