• chapter thirteen •

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~spencer's pov~

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the windows,
a clap of thunder causing the building to shake slightly. I felt Y/N flinch against me, the thunder waking her up as well. She turned and looked out the window, sighing as she realized it was raining.

"Morning, sleepyhead."

Her eyes met mine, a smile forming on her face.

"Morning, Spence."

The back of her hand rested on her forehead, her eyes closing again after she spoke. A small hum came from her throat, her chest rising and falling as she took a deep breath.

"How'd you sleep?"

She opened her eyes again.

"I slept well, thanks to you."

She winked, indicating that last night had something to do with it. I felt heat rise in my cheeks at the thought. She laughed.

"How about you?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I slept like a rock."

"That's good."

I nodded, tucking a stray lock of hair behind her ear as she stared up at me. Her eyes twinkled in the soft light from the window, and I was getting lost in them the longer I stared.

I felt her hand brush against my cheek, guiding my head down to hers. She gently pressed her lips against mine, her fingers shifting into my hair and pulling slightly.

I traced a finger up her body, her muscles tightening at the sensation of being tickled. She laughed against my mouth, breaking the kiss for a moment. I pulled back to look at her, her nose scrunched up and her eyes closed as she continued to laugh.

She was so beautiful.

I stopped tickling her, and she opened her eyes. She used her hand to move my hair out of my face, reaching up and lightly kissing me once more. She turned to the side and I followed suit. Both of us were still pretty tired.

"Can we just sleep all day?"

I nodded against her shoulder, squeezing her waist.

"Yes, please."

She giggled, resting a hand on top of my own as we both fell back asleep.


I woke up a few hours later, rain still hitting the windows and the sky somehow even darker. Y/N had shifted in her sleep, and she was now laying on her stomach. Her arms were above her, hugging her pillow. Her head was to the side, her soft exhales making stray hairs move and twitch.

I tucked her hair behind her ear, admiring her. She looked so peaceful, and much younger, when she was sleeping. It was as if she could escape her reality for a little while, and get some peace of mind.

I trailed my fingers down her back, touching every little scar that marked her skin. There were a lot, and I made sure to touch every one gently.

She stirred, her eyes fluttering open. She turned onto her side and moved closer to me, her head resting in the crook of my neck. I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her waist to hold her close.

"You okay?"

She nodded, not moving. "Just tired."

"We've slept for so long, how are you still tired?"

She mumbled an incoherent "I don't know" and fell back against the pillows. She released a breath, the air causing a few hairs to billow up from her face.

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