• chapter fifteen •

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TW: vivid description os turture, abuse; mentions and descriptions of death

One. Two. Three.

Blinding pain.

Four. Five. Six.

Unforgettable torture.

Seven. Eight. Nine.

Spencer's screams.

"Y/N! Please, wake up!"

Your head lolled to one side as Qureshi pushed it with his fingertips. You couldn't really feel anymore, and the only sensation going throughout your body was tingling, as if your brain shut down your nerves to preserve you.

"Come on, Miller. You didn't get to this point for months last time! Did the BAU make you soft?"

You felt his fingertips cup your chin, bringing your head up to look at him. You could barely keep your eyes open as he held your head there, and you considered just letting go. Why not? It would end your suffering, and Spencer wouldn't be connected to this man anymore.

But you couldn't leave him yet. No, you had to stay with him. You loved him. And you hadn't gotten a chance to say it yet.

You forced your eyes open more, his face blurry in front of you. You tried your hardest to focus, to get rid of the haze in your eyes, but it took all your energy to just keep them open. Do it for Spencer, Y/N. Do it for him.

His face came into focus, an ugly sneer settled on his mouth. He threw your head away as soon as he saw your eyes focus on him, clearly not wanting you to actually come back.

You slowly brought your head up, trying to focus your thoughts through the blinding pain. How long had it been since he'd brought you here? Spencer had been taken out of the room 11 times, his screams still in your ears each time he was dragged out. Qureshi had left 11 times, too, and each time you had fallen asleep. Had it really been 11 days since you had been captured?

It definitely felt a lot shorter last time, but then again, you didn't have to listen to someone else's screams and watch them as Qureshi tortured them to torture you. God, why did you have to get so close to Spencer? This was all your fault. He wouldn't be hurt if it wasn't for you.

You were brought back to reality as the metal door behind Spencer slid open and another figure walked into the room. They were small and slender, and you could just barely make out the curves of hips and breasts through the thick and shapeless black clothing.

Qureshi had recruited a woman?

The woman put her hands around Spencer and he squirmed, his hoarse voice filling the room.

"No! Leave me alone! Let me go, now! I swear to God, let me go now or I will --"

He immediately quieted down, is body slumping over. The woman slowly lifted him off of his chair and carried him out. Day 12, I guess.

Qureshi's face appeared in front of you one more time before he slowly backed out of the room, his eyes never leaving yours until the door had shut. A sob racked your body when you were finally alone, the tears streaming hot and fast. Your body felt numb, and all you wanted was to feel, to know you were still alive.

You screamed into the silence, trying to force all the anguish that was weighing you down out of our body. Your throat felt scratchy, your voice died within minutes, and the tears kept coming. It didn't work.

Your head fell forward as your body finally gave out, your muscles and nerves and bones and tendons too tired to work anymore. Black started to fuzz the edge of your vision, and the thought of how easy it would be came back.

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