• chapter four •

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You woke up to the sound of shuffling, the bright lights of the jet jarring you as you opened your eyes. You felt Spencer tapping your cheek, trying to get you to wake up.

"There you are." He smiled, his eyes hazy from sleep.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." You shifted, moving yourself away from him and immediately regretting it. His body heat was the only thing keeping you from shivering.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't mind."

The rest of the team was moving sluggishly, grabbing their things and heading to the cars that were parked in the hangar. You checked the time. 2:27 AM. Damn.

The drive back to headquarters was silent. You were driving this time, since you were the most awake out of everyone. We were all squished in one car somehow, everyone a tangle of limbs as they slept. The only person not in the back was Spencer. His head was against the window, his lips slightly apart and soft snores escaping. Cute.

You pulled into the parking lot and turned around, tapping Emily on her knee. She came too, shaking JJ and Morgan awake and off of her. She turned around to wake Rossi and Hotch as you turned to Spence. You tapped his cheek, like he did to you. His eyes fluttered open, a haze of confusion clouding them before he realized what was happening.

"There you are." You joked. He cracked a smile, shifting in his seat and unbuckling. You got out too, opening the trunk and grabbing your go-bag. Spence grabbed his, walking over to the curb and sitting. What was he doing?

"Reid, what are you doing?"

"I'm gonna get an Uber or whatever they're called. I don't have a car with me, remember?"

You looked at him, grabbing his hand and pulling him upright. "I'm taking you home, okay? You can't stop me." He opened his mouth to protest but you shushed him, holding up a finger and giving him a look. He looked at his hands, a quiet "thank you" leaving his lips before he followed you to your car.

You set your stuff in the trunk, and he followed suit. The drive was quiet, and you didn't even realize you didn't have his address before you left. You just went to your place out of habit.

You pulled into your parking spot, realizing just as you stopped. "Spence."


"You never told me your address. I drove to my place."

"That's okay. I'll stay with you."

Huh? I mean, alright. He probably didn't even register what he was saying.

"Alright, then. Come on sleepyhead."

He chuckled, dragging himself up and supporting himself on the door until you came around. You slipped your arm around his waist supporting him as you walked up the steps to your apartment. As you unlocked the door and went inside, Spencer leaned against the door post and didn't move. Is he actually sleeping on a fucking door post? There's no way.

You poked his stomach and his eyes opened, childlike amusement in them. You giggled, leading him inside. You set your bags on the table and went straight to your room, changing out of your work clothes and into something you didn't feel so stiff in. You thought Spencer followed you, but he had stayed in the living room.

As soon as you changed, you went back out. "Spence?" He was looking around, taking in the new surroundings. "I like your apartment." You smiled.

"You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the couch."

He looked at you, confusion clouding his face. "What? No, it's your house. I'll take the couch."

You sighed, knowing he wouldn't accept. "Alright. Let me get you some blankets. Do you have clothes to change into in your bag?" He nodded.

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