• chapter eight •

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~your pov~

You woke up around midnight, your head still pounding. Usually sleep helps, but this time it didn't.

You walked into Spencer's living room, the soft light making your headache even worse. You saw him on his couch, fast asleep with a book open on his chest.

You stood there and admired him for a second. He was so incredibly adorable without even trying.

You shook yourself from your thoughts, walking into the kitchen and getting water. Your mouth and throat were as dry as a desert, and it took so many glasses of water for it to feel better.

You downed your last glass, about to go back into the room when you saw Spencer was awake. His hair was pushed to one side, all fluffy and crazy. His eyes looked tired and puffy, and he was yawning. He turned and saw you, waving as he stretched.

"Hey, I thought you were sleeping."

"I got thirsty again. Why did you fall asleep out here?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I didn't mean to."

"Come to bed."

He nodded, standing up and shuffling to the room with you. He changed when he got into the room, putting on a t-shirt and plaid pajama pants instead of his work clothes.

He climbed into the bed after you, absentmindedly scooting closer and hugging you from behind. You smiled to yourself, enjoying the affection from him.

You rested your hand on top of his as you slowly fell asleep, praying you wouldn't have a dream that night.

~the next morning~

You woke up to the sun barely peeking through the curtains in his room, the soft light making your eyes hurt. You checked the time. 8:34. You could sleep for a little longer if you just didn't move.

It wasn't meant to be. You shifted out of Spencer's hold, sitting on the edge of the bed and massaging your temples. You felt him turn, not disturbed by your movements. Good. He needs more sleep.

You stood up, turning around to make sure he was covered, but saw something. Red, spotting the sheets. Fuck, you had started your period.

You turned to go to the bathroom, but you instantly felt a blinding pain in your lower abdomen. You gasped, stabilizing yourself on the nightstand. You fell to the ground, clutching your lower stomach as the pain got worse. You tried to say his name, but you were so out of breath that all you could manage were small cries.

"S..Spencer... please..."

You heard the sheets rustle as another wave of pain racked your body. What in the hell was happening to you?


His voice was soft, sleepy.

You cried out, the pain getting even worse. How is that even possible?

"Oh my God, Y/N!"

He got out of the bed, running over to you and crouching down.

"What's wrong? I.. I don't know what to do."

You rolled into a fetus position, seeking the sweet relief it always brought your cramps. But were these even cramps?

"I... I started my period, and I think a cyst happened to rupture at the same time? I.. ah.. I don't know but it hurts like hell. Oh, I also got blood on your sheets. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Do you need to go to the hospital?"

You shook your head. This had happened once before, but never on your period. You just needed your medicine.

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