• chapter fourteen •

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TW: vivid descriptions of abuse, torture, and ra*pe

~your pov~

You looked at the board in the room, your head pounding as you tried to find a connection, to find a lead. Spencer was equally as confused, his face contorted as he thought. If boy wonder was stumped, there was no way anyone could figure this out.

"Okay, let's go over it again. Six women have gone missing, and each of them is connected to one person, but he's dead. We've been down every path with him, and it's all been a dead end. They are all different races, heights, ethnicities, and the only similarity is that they're thin. What else can there be?"

Spencer's hand was clenched into a fist, obviously upset at the fact that he couldn't find a connection.

"I have no idea, Y/N! Can't you see that?"

You were taken aback at his sudden rage. He doesn't raise his voice very often, and almost ever at you, and you didn't like it at all.

"I'm sorry, Spence, I'm just trying here."

He sighed, pressing his fingers into his left eye. He was just as frustrated as you were. His headache was honestly probably worse, because his big brain was always going and going and going, and this probably just made it harder for him to function.

"I know, I'm sorry. This is just incredibly frustrating. What are we missing here?"

As soon as those words left his mouth, the phone rang. You saw Garcia's name on the caller ID and eagerly picked up. Please, have something.

"God, please tell me you have something here Garcia."

"I do, my loves. These six women may be completely different and look completely different, but guess what. They're all related."


"Yeah, I know. That's not even the craziest part. All of these women were born in the same hospital, but the mom checked in under a different name each time, and they didn't make the connection, which I find hard to believe because they had to remember the woman that gave birth to seven girls."

"Wait, seven?"

"Mhm. The last one is Sarah Jacobsen, and she actually lives in Baltimore, too."

"Garcia, I could kiss you right now. I love you so much."

She giggled. "Girl, I know. Now go save this girl."

The receiver clicked as you quickly grabbed your coat, running out of the building and into the stairwell. Spence followed you, making it down the stairs just before you did. He tossed you the keys, climbing into the passenger seat. You quickly got into the car and sped off, calling Emily to let her know what was going on.

"Y/N? What's up, do you have a lead?"

"Yes! Garcia was a boss and found out that all of the women were actually related, and there is a seventh sister whose name is Sarah Jacobsen. We're headed to her house right now."

"Okay, be careful. JJ and Morgan are on their way."

She hung up as you rounded a corner, cars pulling over as you sped down the street. The red and blue flashing lights illuminated your face and blinded you slightly, but you were used to it at this point.

You pulled onto a residential street, turning off the lights and siren and silently pulling in front of her house. You both jumped out, grabbing kevlar vests from the trunk and slipping them on. You should've done this before you even left, but both of you were too caught up in getting there that you got distracted.

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