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It's been a few days since she lashed out on Harry. She had no reason to and she knows it. He's not to blame for her own issues. And now she's lonely. She doesn't even know him well enough, but he was the closest thing she had to a friend in New York City. She misses him. It's been really lonely.

She was never used to being alone. Ever since she was a kid, somebody was always around. So, it never felt lonely. When she decided to leave the place she grew up in, she thought some alone time would be good. She thought she would like moving to a city where nobody knows her and now she's not so sure. She's not so sure the city is for her. There's a lot of things she misses about her hometown in Iowa, but there are also things she doesn't miss.

Luna is having a hard time getting by in the city. She already hates her job and the people she works with. Her coworkers exclude her from conversations and go to lunch without her. She's tried being friends with them, but they don't try being friends with her.

Harry has been the only person she's spent the longest time with. The person she spends the most time with should be Zavier since they are roommates, but he's not. She hardly sees him when Madison's around. They've been trying to bond together to build a healthy roommate relationship, but it's never really happened. Without Harry, she has no one. She hates that.

It's late in the evening when Luna's shift at the overpriced boutique is done. She's tired from a day full of rude customers and rude coworkers. She can't wait to eat something, take a hot shower, and crawl into bed. She's getting excited to do it all as she rides up the lift. Maybe she'll make a sandwich since it doesn't require cooking. She needs to learn how to cook, she tells herself.

The moment she walks into her apartment, she's disappointed to see both Madison and Kristen taking up the couch. She doesn't understand Zavier sometimes. How could he tolerate Madison? She's loud and a bit of an asshole, but she's also pretty. Luna thinks her blonde hair is amazing, but she will never tell Madison that.

"Hey, Luna! How was work?" Zavier greets.

Luna takes off her black coat and hangs it on the coat rack by the front door. She smiles at Zavier and Zavier only. "Hey. Oh, it went well. Thanks for asking." As much as she didn't want to greet the others, she has to. "Hi, Madison. Hi, Kristen." She walks to the kitchen.

The girls don't say anything. "There's some leftover chicken, rice, and veggies... have some!" Zavier offers. He's so nice.

Luna doesn't even have to look to know Madison is glaring at him for offering food. She just smiles as she opens the fridge. "Mm, thanks! But, I was really craving a sandwich all day."

Someone scoffs, she can't make out who though. She just ignores it as she takes out what she needs from the fridge and begins to prepare her dinner. Lunch for dinner, more like. Just as she finishes making her delicious sandwich, she puts everything away and pours herself a glass of water. Kristen then approaches. She slides into a chair by the table Luna is about to sit at with her dinner.

Luna puts her plate down and she's a little confused. What does she want? She wishes to eat in peace, but that may not happen. She sits down anyway and looks at Kristen. "I'm sorry, did you want a sandwich? I can make you one," Luna says. She hopes she says no to her sandwich offer. But, she knows she probably wants to talk about Harry. She is sleeping with her ex-fiancé and all. Well, was.

Kristen gives her the world's fakest smile. Luna can tell. "No, um... Actually I was hoping we could chat?"

Luna looks into the redhead's crazy blue eyes. They weren't actually crazy. They were quite stunning. It's scary because they're also intimidating. She looks away from her eyes and down at her sandwich. Luna picks it up. "Yeah? What about?" She takes a bite from it and almost moans from how good it was. She chews it through as she waits to hear what Kristen has to say.

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