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Harry wakes up early in the morning. He's naked under Luna's sheets after another round past midnight. He stretches and looks over to find her still sleeping. She's laying on her front and he looks at her bareback.

He wants to wake her up. He wants to reach over, run his fingers down her back and maybe hover over her to kiss her awake. But that's not what they do.

He sits up when he remembers their conversation at the party that carried through the cab ride. He bites down on his lip and he's confused. He remembers her vividly tell him they should no longer have sex. She invited him up and kissed him in the lift anyway. He let her. Should he have stopped her? He doesn't know.

Luna shifts and she turns to lay on her back. She's holding onto the covers across her chest and then blinks her eyes open. "Are you staring at me?" She mumbles. She sits up, still holding the covers, and looks at Harry.

He quickly shakes his head. "I was, um... gonna tell you that I'm gonna head out. I have to change then return the clothes."

Luna falls back in bed again. She reaches over to let her fingers run down his back. "But it feels early... too early."

Harry straightens his posture from her touch and smiles. "I know," he says and suddenly he lets himself hover over her.

Her fingers find their way onto his cheeks. "And we had such a late night," she whispers. Her eyes meet his.

"I know," he says again. He's leaning in closer and their noses touch and then their lips as both their eyes close. He kisses her softly. They're doing what friends aren't supposed to do. Harry doesn't care at that moment. She's such a good kisser and that's his excuse.

She's the first to break the kiss. Her hands are in his hair and he finds her smiling when he opens his eyes again. She's looking at his chest and then she gasps. "I did this to you?"

Harry looks down at his chest to see the redness from the scratches. He smirks and shrugs. "So I like a little pain? It's okay," he tells her. It was more than okay.

Luna laughs. "Freak," she says and leans right back in to kiss him. She sits up at the same time and so does Harry. Their lips haven't managed to part until there's a knock on her door.

"Luna, you up? You said we'd make pancakes today." It was Zavier.

Harry remembers when Zavier used to wake him up to make breakfast, too. He remembers bitching about wanting to sleep, but somehow Zavier always convinced him. He loved cooking with Zavier. He missed it, more.

Luna reaches for her robe. "Shit, I forgot. We planned to do some roommate bonding stuff." She tells Harry quietly. "Coming!" Luna puts on her robe and gets out of bed. She opens the door only a little. Enough for her to see Zavier. "Hey, so um... I'd love to, but-"

"Harry, you're welcome to have some pancakes with us!" Zavier interrupts Luna. He knows he's there. The walls are paper-thin, but Luna didn't seem to realize that yet. "I'll be in the kitchen waiting."

Luna closes the door after Zavier has walked off. She looks at Harry.

His lips are pressed into a thin line and he doesn't know what to say or do next. He wants to cook with Zavier again. He reminisces about the old times and their friendship, but it's a bad idea. He's convincing himself not to go there. He stands up and starts gathering his clothes. "I should really get going..."

Luna's quiet for a moment and watches him get dressed. She then steps towards him and reaches for his arm. Her touch made him stop what he was doing. "I don't know the entirety of the story," she says. "He won't talk about it, but I do know that he was your best friend. I bet there is no Madison or Kristen out there... so go out there and help make some pancakes, will you?"

the moon [h.s.] - EDITING Where stories live. Discover now