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Luna's driving to the home she grew up in. Harry's patiently waiting while looking out at the snowy roads. He's in a weird place at the moment. He just had sex with Luna and he feels what he could only describe as butterflies in his tummy. He's doing his best to not look at her because he hasn't felt this way since... he doesn't even want to say or think of her name.

"I'm warning you, though... She won't hold back. She's never really met anyone I was dating," she says. She looks over at Harry. "I mean, you know... Sleeping with, I guess."

Harry bites his lip and keeps from smiling. He fails to not look at her. Does she consider them dating now? She corrected herself, he remembers. He shakes it off and nods at what she was saying. "I got it. It'll go well, I have a feeling." He looks down at the bouquet of flowers he has on his lap, along with a get well soon card. They picked it out on the way when Harry suggested they should bring something. Luna had agreed to let him talk to her mum so he wants to make the best out of it.

Luna doesn't say anything. She's looking ahead at the road then she makes a turn onto a street. She suddenly pulls into a driveway belonging to a two-story home. It looks a little old, but well-taken care of.

Harry unbuckles. He looks over at Luna again. "It's going to be alright," he assures her. Man, does he want to lean in to give her a quick kiss. He fights the urge and gets out of the rental car. He waits for Luna to lead the way as he holds onto the gifts.

She walks past the inches of snow on the shoveled up walkway. She's practicing her breathing as she walks up to the front porch. When she's at the door, she knocks.

Santiago opens the door and he looks at them both. He doesn't say anything but he looks at Harry the longest. He steps aside and Harry follows Luna in.

"Where's mom?" Luna asks.

"Bed. She's resting," he tells her and he sounds sad.

Harry follows Luna again as he walks through her home. The walls are white, it's well-decorated and then he spots the walls of many photos. He recognizes Luna in some of the photos, but he can't stop to look. He's walking upstairs into the first bedroom in the hallway and he's nervous. So nervous.

"Hi mom," Luna says softly. Her mom doesn't answer her. She looks at her then at the stranger walking in with flowers.

Harry feels her stare and offers her a smile. "Hello, ma'am," he starts off as he walks closer to the bed. "These are for you. I'm very sorry about your accident and I hope you get well soon."

Her mum frowns. "Who are you?"

"Uh, right. Sorry," he says then lets out a nervous laugh. He glances at Luna then looks at her mum again. "I'm Harry. Your daughter is my friend, probably my very best friend."

"Then how come I never heard of you?"

"Well, I met her in New York, ma'am."

"Where in New York did you meet exactly?"

Harry has a feeling a bar isn't the place her mother wants Luna to be in. He smiles at her even though she's frowning at him. "Uh, well her roommate is my good friend. And, we've gotten along ever since. I've felt protective over her ever since as well. I didn't mind coming all this way for your daughter, ma'am. I got on the plane without hesitation just to make sure she would arrive safe and honestly, she needed a friend. What kind of friend would I be if I had let Luna go by herself knowing she was scared? She was really worried about you and I know she's relieved that you're alright. I hope you feel a little relieved knowing Luna's alright, too."

Her mum just looks at him as he talks. Her frown hasn't left her face and she's slowly shaking her head. "Really?" She scoffs. "She's not alright, young man. She's making a stupid mistake. You can't protect her like I can. Answer me this: do you know if she's taking her meds? If she's-"

"Mom!" Luna interrupts. She stops her mum from saying more.

Harry looks at Luna. Meds? He didn't even know she takes medication. Medication, but for what?

Her mum shakes her head. "Exactly. You don't know anything. You don't know her. Like I said, you can't keep her safe the way I can. If you were really someone to her, she'd tell you she has-"

"Mom," Santiago walks in, interrupting his mother. He sits on the bed to grab her hand. He looks emotional. "You really need to rest."

Harry stands down. He doesn't know what else to say. He looks at Luna who has a hand over her mouth. She's not looking at him and she's avoiding him, he can tell.

"I'm doing fine in New York," Luna then speaks up. "I love it there. I love my job, my coworkers, my roommate, and everything about it."

She's not telling the truth. She doesn't like her job. She might like Zavier, but he knows she doesn't like Madison. Harry stays quiet.

"And, I'm going back, mom. I hope you do get well and I hope this doesn't mean you'll cut me off," she says and then looks at her brother. "Santi, I'm still your sister. I'm always a phone call away, okay? I promise I'm not abandoning you. I just need to see what's out there for me. I love you both so much." She's crying again.

Her mum is quiet and Santi is in tears. No one says anything for a moment.

"You're on your own then," her mother speaks up. "Your father would be disappointed in you, too."

Harry frowns. He feels like she didn't have to tell Luna that. Her father is not around to have his own opinion on the situation and it isn't fair. He sets the flowers and the card down on the foot of the bed.

Luna storms out and Harry follows. He's walking quickly down the stairs and out of the house to catch up to her. She slips onto her bottom the moment she steps off the porch stairs.

"Hey, are you okay?" Harry makes it to her and reaches for an arm to help her get back up.

"I'm fine! I can get up myself," she pushes his hand away and stands back up. She brushes off the snow and dirt from her sweatpants, but it's wet. She groans and walks carefully to the car this time.

Harry knows she's upset. He knows that when she's upset, she prefers space. He sighs and gets into the car with her. He doesn't say anything.

She starts the car and she's wiping away at her tears. While the car is warming up, she sniffles. "Nothing could fix my relationship with my mom. I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

Harry looks over at her. "Don't be sorry," he whispers. "Let's head back to the hotel for the night. We can leave in the morning."

Luna nods in agreement.

Harry waits patiently and he's left wondering about what her mum had said to him. He may have to ask her about it.

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