[Chapter 18]

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...Connor walked towards Reyna and Nico.

They both turned towards Connor, not knowing what would happen. Then he pushed them together, making them "accidentally" kiss!

Then, of course, he darted outside.

Reyna and Nico soon comprehended what happened, and they chased Connor.

"Who wants blue popcorn?" Percy asked.

"I prefer chilly sauce." Frank said.

Connor, being a son of Hermes, was a fast runner. But Nico had shadow-traveling abilities. Nico appeared right in front of Connor, and Connor stopped not to bump into him.

Reyna took the opportunity to pin him down.

"Nico, you forgot your dare...?" Connor said.

It was definitely not the right word choice.

Now two swords and two pairs of metal teeth were pointed toward Connor.

"Look! A unicorn is pooping ice cream!" Connor said and when they looked away, Connor dashed back to cabin3.

Nico shadow traveled in front of Connor again, Connor stopped again.

This time, Reyna's dogs pinned him down.

"I'll give you one last chance to save yourself." Reyna said.

"It was his dare. Let my brother go." Travis laughed.

"And Connor's right. You two forgot your dare." Piper said.

Reyna sat back on her spot, next to Annabeth. "That's not my choice." Reyna said. "It's their's." She pointed her dogs, who were still pinning Connor down.

Nico sat next to Reyna, and took her hand as casually as possible.

The metal dogs gave Connor a dog kiss. Only one problem: the saliva of the metal dogs are metal grease.

"Ewwww. Oil." Connor said.

The dogs gave him another oily dog kiss, and followed Reyna. (The dog kiss works as a punishment.)

"Anyways, It's my turn!" Connor said. "Hannah, I am going to pay you back for giving me that dare."

"You can't pick me. I already went!" Hannah said.

"Oh, I am not going to. Lacy, truth or dare?" Connor asked.

"Dare!" Lacy said.

"I dare you to test your latest perfume on Hannah!" Connor said.

Lacy rubbed her hands and smiled evilly. "Oooooh! I really wanted to test it on someone." She walked to the door. "Be right back!" Then she ran out.

She ran back in with a small, green box on her hand.

She opened the box and revealed a perfume bottle filled with a green liquid.

Before she could even spray it on Hannah, Hannah started to cough. "P-U" she said. Then she fainted because of the stink.

Everyone clutched their noses. Frank turned into a dolphin, an animal that can't smell.

"Get that out!" Percy shouted.

"Okay." Lacy put the perfume back in the green box, and sealed it. Then she ran out and placed the perfume where it used to stay, under her bunk.

Frank turned back into a human.

When Lacy came back in, Travis asked. "What did you put in that perfume?"

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