Chapter two: Minions

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Chapter two: Minions

LIFE HAS SOME DARN GOOD QUESTIONS, and it feels as though they never end.

Scarlet and I pack our stuff and walk out of the classroom. "You are telling me that you, the person who has the perfect sleep schedule, overslept? Sia, this doesn't make any sense didn't you have to practice today?" She asked me in a suspicious tone.

Her eyes seemed to investigate every part of my face to see if I was lying. I take in a big gulp hoping that she didn't notice. My eyes couldn't bear being caged by hers so I looked away.

"Well, look I stayed up yesterday to finish the homework Mr. Dickenson gave us, I had been so busy with the track team that I couldn't finish homework and studying," to make myself more believable I had to look her in the eyes.

I danced around the question about the track team in hopes that she wouldn't notice.

She seemed to believe it, for the moment. So I took the moment to change the subject. "You up for the abandoned factory?", I asked her. The factory is a very old building that is now used as a small skate park. But most of the people just hang out there for fun.

"Sure, I just have to eat at home, and then I can hang out there", she tells me and a small grin creeps its way onto my face.

We arrive at our lockers. Freshman year we had the luck to get lockers assigned beside each other. But sometimes I regret it because if we get into a fight we always have to see each other whilst getting our textbooks.

Thankfully we almost never fight.

"What's your next period?" she seemed to have forgotten about what had happened earlier. I did feel bad about lying to her but it's for the best.

I put hands into my pockets and think about what my next period is. "I think it's Litterature and you?" I respond to her question in a slow way.

"Well I got Arabic now but my next period is lunch so yay me!" she tells me her voice changes from unhappy to happy. Scarlet has always enjoyed food a lot and she had the luck to have an amazing mother who makes amazing Arabic meals for her.

Her mom is a very understanding woman and has always been very supportive of Scarlet. She never got mad when Scarlet got bad grades because she would always say that tomorrow is another day to improve.

Sabina, her mother was a very caring woman and would never hurt a fly. One day I and Scarlet went to her place only to be greeted by my furious mother who stood there mad at me. The reason why she was mad was that I hadn't returned her calls yet.

At that time I was very scared of my mother because I was only 14 but Sabrina took the fall for me, telling my mother that she had let the kids go out and it was her mistake. I will never be more forget what she did for me on that day.

Scarlet's mom would always pack lunch for me too, which I was very grateful for. What can I say I love food too, but I hate the food we get at school. The food at our school is literally made of Mudd or it tastes at least like it.

"Oh, great, I have lunch after Literature too", I told her. As we walked through the long halls when suddenly the bell rang and we went in a different direction each.

I walk at a quick pace to my next class. Hugging my books tight to my chest. One of the worst things for me is to be late which is why I am rushing so much.

All of a sudden my body collides with someone else, my books fall to the ground. I look into the other person's eyes only to be met with ones that I have seen before.  The name of the person was James Perez, a former friend of my brothers.

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