Always Be The One/Scars

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"The Ultima line is carried inside Aaron Lycan."

"Ditzy little nobody."

"Welcome home, Violet."

"Guard me with your life."

Run, Aaron.



"It is done, brother."




"Kill him."

"Kill the Ultima!"

Violet, stop.

Violet, STOP.


I snap awake to find my fingers are wrapped around Zane's throat. Lucinda, Kim, and Garroth crowded around me, trying desperately to get me off Zane.

I let out a sob and let him go, pulling my hands against myself, feeling my whole body tremble. "Z-zane... I'm so s-s-sorry..." I gasp out, watching him massage his throat.

"It's okay." He says, rubbing the light bruise.

I hug my stomach. "Wh...what happened?"

"W-well, you started thrashing around and punching your pillow like you were fighting it," Kim explains, "And then you kept repeating 'Ultima' and 'Kill him' so we kind of freaked out and went to get Garroth and Zane, because we couldn't wake you up."

I breathe in and out, clutching my stomach in an attempt not to throw up. "I'm sorry. I was... I dreamt..."

"The lodge?" Lucinda says quietly.

I swallow and nod. Everyone instantly looks sympathetic. "Don't worry." Zane tells me. "You're not the only one."

I shudder, trying to block out Ein's voice commanding me to kill Aaron. "I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." Garroth assures me. He still looks a little worried, but he hugs me anyways. "We came here for Aaron, but let's admit it, we need something too. How about we go down to the beach today?"

"YES!" Lucinda and Kim cheer. I smile and nod. I'd been dying to go down to any of the beaches since I saw Aarmau reunite on one. My fear ebbs away.

Zane grumbles. "Do I haaaaave to?"

Garroth punches him.

"Ow! Fine, fine!"

Garroth giggles. "Get your swimsuits on, guys! We're going to the beach!"


"Aaahhh..." I sigh in giddy bubbly feelings, loving the sun on my skin. The terror from earlier is washed away, a distant memory. "This is the life."

"Speak for yourself." Zane grumbles from under his umbrella protection.

"Ah, yes, I forgot you are a child of the night." Lucinda murmurs lazily.

"HHHHC!" Zane hisses, sealing his doom with the nickname "Child Of The Night".

"Oh, calm down, Zane!" Garroth chides. "Honestly, you could use some sun!"

"I don't even know where to start with that stuff." Zane replies grumpily.

"Hmmmmm." Garroth ponders. "Maybe I'll show you! I---"

"Yo!" We look up to see that red headed werewolf standing with four very familiar werewolves. Why do I recognize them?

"Huh? Uh... Yo?" Garroth says, confused.

"You guys are guests with Aphmau and Aaron, right?" Redhead asks.

"Yeah..." Kim says slowly.

"AWESOME! Have you guys seen Aaron and Aphmau? Their door is locked, and we were banging on it the whole time." He says like there's nothing wrong with that sentence.

I instantly look to Garroth. "Problems with a door?" he asks. "Ummmm, sorry, I'm on vacation."


Zane sighs.

"Pardon me for asking, but, do you guys know them?" Lucinda says.

The girl with dark gray-ish hair laughs. "Yeah, we do. We're good friends of Aaron and Aphmau!"

"Aaron is our Alpha." A guy with really sweet blue eyes says.

"An Alpha?" I repeat.

"Only werewolves can call him that." A girl with narrowed gold eyes says bossily.

"It's a werewolf thing." Redhead says.

"Uh... If Aphmau and Aaron aren't answering the door, it's probably because they're sleeping, or out." Kim says timidly.

"They're probably out somewhere." Zane says, drinking his coconut milk thing. "I haven't seen them all day."

"Or they could be doing what Melissa thinks they are." I supply.

"What's that?" Ghost asks.

I giggle. "Kissing!"

"Ah. Makes sense." Redhead replies.

"Oh, by the way---my name is Dottie!" The gray-hair girl says cheerfully. "This is Blaze," Redhead guy waves, "This is Daniel," She points to the sweet-looking one, "And this is Rylan," she points to a werewolf next to Daniel, "Oh! And Maria!" She points to snarky gold-eye girl. The werewolves all wave.

"Oh! That's why I recognized you!" I say suddenly. "You went to Phoenix Drop High! I remember you now. Daniel was the Alpha the whole time I went to school. I hung out with you guys sometimes at lunch."

Daniel, Rylan, and Dottie smile. "I knew I recognized your scent!" Dottie says. "Violet, right?"


"Awwesome!" Garroth squeals. "I'm Garroth, that's Lucinda, Kim, and you already know my sister Violet, and that's my brother Zane!"

"Cool. Anyway, it's nice to meet you guys!" Blaze says. "See ya later!" He turns and runs off with Dottie, Rylan, and Maria following him. (omg every time i try to type Maria I want to type MAIRA I'm so used to it!!!!) Daniel pauses. "Later!" He says in his adorable voice.

"Byyye!" Garroth says happily.

"Huh... Interesting." Kim says. "I guess Aaron has werewolf friends."

"It is interesting." Lucinda admits. "I wonder how Aphmau's taking it."

"Maybe she's fine!" Garroth suggests. "I remember her being involved with werewolves a lot back in high school... But I never asked about it."

"Same. I vaguely remember that." Lucinda agrees.

"I remember! She was Alpha female." I pipe up. Everyone looks at me. "What? I liked the werewolves! They were nice. Well, most of them. Balto wasn't so good...But Aaron and Aph should be okay. Especially with Daniel, Rylan, and Dottie. They're big sweethearts."

"I'm sure they're fine." Zane says. "We can ask Aph ourselves later. I wonder what she's doing right now..."

"HEY! Don't change the subject!" Garroth scolds, then giggles. "Come on, let's work on your tan, Zane."

Zane screams in pain as Garroth comes towards him. Me, Kim, and Lucinda burst into giggles. Only Zane would think tanning is torture. 

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