We're Engaged!

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I head down to Melissa's room (she hadn't been able to convince anyone to switch with her so she could be next to me) and knock on her door. I have to wait quite a while before she finally opens up, beaming.

"Hiya, cutie! Time for breakfast?" she says brightly.

"Yep!" I say, just as brightly. After forcing Zane and Garroth into the same room, they'd come to terms with what happened last night and agreed never to mention it again. We'd all hugged (or rather, I threatened to tell Mummy and they awkwardly patted each other) and we'd all left happy. (sort of.)

I notice Kawaii~Chan heading downstairs towards the tantalizing smell of pancakes, and Melissa sniffs long and hard. "My snooter has picked up the scent of pancakes!" She says. "ONWARD!" she charges downstairs and into the lobby instead. She picks up her phone and swipes it open, her face falling when she sees no notifications.

"Darn it!" She walks into the kitchen, me trailing behind her. "I swear, Aaron and Aphmau better pick up their phone soon. I need to know what they're doing!!"

"Probably making out." I say, just to make her feel better.

She giggles. "Ya think? Huh?" She looks at Kawaii~Chan. "Kawaii~Chan...?"

"GUH!" Kawaii~Chan jumps a foot in the air. "Y-yes?" She turns to us.

"WHOA!" Melissa says in surprise. "A little jumpy there, huh?"


Melissa laughs. "Okay. You're a little off. Chill out girl, you look like you just got caught cheating on your boyfriend with his brother."

I choke on my own oxygen. "WHAT?!" Garroth, Zane and I yell.

"Huh? Are you all okay?" Melissa asks, looking like she wants to feel my forehead. "You're all acting weird."

"Umm...Melissa, maybe I can help you get ahold of Aaron and Aphmau, come on let's go outside and talk!!" I shriek, pulling her along.

"Whaaaa? Acting so weird..." Melissa mutters, but she follows me outside anyways. "Violet, why couldn't we just go to the living room?"

"Ummm, b-because! It was getting very... uhhhh.... Hot inside!" I say.

"Uhh, it's hotter outside." Melissa says, looking very suspicious.

"Is it?" I give a fake laugh. "Whoops, my bad! I'll go get us some ice cream! Anything to get away from this awkwardness..." I mutter, sprinting for the house. I grab random containers (though taking care not to grab chocolate) and sprint back outside, only to find Melissa gone.

"Whew!" I sigh in relief, setting the already-melting peppermint ice creams on the sidewalk. Who brings peppermint anything to a summer getaway theme park?

"Travis' father?" I hear. I look over and see Lucinda and a guy with wild white hair and a red shirt (covered in what looks like ash) talking on the beach.

"Travis' father?" I repeat, heading over. "Hi, Lucinda!"

She looks over, and I'm surprised to see she looks on edge. "Oh! Hi, Violet!"

"Ohhh, Violet Ro'Meave!" The guy says.

I flinch. "Um, how do you know my name?"

"Your dad and I were buddies! Used to work together... he brought you and Garroth to our business place a lot so you could see what we worked on!" the guy says. "Forgive my manners. I'm Terrence! Travis' dad!"

"Woah, Travis' dad?" I repeat yet again. "I didn't realize you were the Terrence Mummy and Dad spoke of so often."

"Sure am! You can call me Terry for short!" he says cheerfully.

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