Make Me Like You...

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"Hey Violet, have you seen Zane?"

I look up to see Garroth peeking into my room. "Yeah. he's up on the deck. Why?"

"I'm hungry. I want to see if he wants to go to the park." Then Garroth's head pops back out again. My heart stops and I leap out of bed.

"Garroth, no, you can't interrupt!" I hiss.

"Interrupt what?" Garroth asks, still heading upstairs.

I stop dead. Whoops.

"Uhhhh.... Zane and... someone. Are, um. Planning. Something. For someone!" I stop, biting my lip. "Ummmm..."

Garroth gives me a weird look. "Are you hiding something?"


"Then I'm going upstairs!"

"GARROTH RO'MEAVE, GET BACK HERE!" I order as he runs upstairs to the deck and looks around for Zane.

"---interested in going out with you." Zane's voice says, sounding shy but happy.

And Garroth barges in.

"Going out? OOOOO!!!" He says, ignoring my tug on his shirt, trying to get him to back up.

Kawaii~Chan flushes red and Zane turns around, panicking. "GUH! GOING OUT, AS IN, GOING OUT TO GET FOOD!! Aahahhahaaaaaaa..."

"Cool! Where're we going?" Garroth asks, pulling me with him as he moves to stand next to Zane. I mouth, I'm so sorry to Zane.

"Huh?" Zane asks. "We? Um, Garroth---"

"WE'RE GOING ON A DATE!" Kawaii~Chan bursts. "ALONE!"

"Alone?" Garroth asks, and just as I expect a burst of brotherly hugs and encouragement, maybe teasing, he laughs. Laughs. "You can't go on a date without someone else, Kawaii~---" he stops dead. "Wait. W--wait. You mean, date?? As in, two?? As in, you, Kawaii~Chan, with Z-Zane??"

"Mm-hmm!" Kawaii~Chan says.

"Y-y-yeah." Zane admits, turning pink.

Garroth grins. "Reeeeaaaaally?"

"YES, WE'RE GOING ON A DATE!" Zane yells.

"About time!" Garroth says matter-of-factly.

"WHAT??" Zane, Kawaii~Chan and I all yell.

"Look, Zane, I've been your brother since---well, since when we were born. But, I haven't know you to take an interest in anyone else aside from Aphmau. And those you were obligated to talk to."

I cough.

"AKA, your family." Garroth says, nodding at me. I grin innocently.

"So, when I noticed that Kawaii~Chan was someone you were talking to alot, I got..... Idears." He giggles. "That you miiiiight have a thing for her. But to be honest, it was just a hunch. Plus, she's really cute, so---"

Kawaii~Chan laughs. "Thanks Garroth!"

Zane grumbles.

"WHOAA! Jealous already?" Garroth teases.


"You're doing that thing again when you yell when you don't know how to convey something." I point out.


Garroth laughs. "Huehuehuehuehuehuehue! Sooo, how long have you guys been dating?"

"We're not going out yet, we're just kinda... going on a date!" Kawaii~Chan says nervously. "To see how things go. But, we don't know where to go."

"Why not just go to the park at night?" I suggest.

"That's a cool idear!" Garroth chimes in, giggling.

"It's all lit up, and a lot of rides are more open because people don't normally go at night." I continue.

"Either way, we should leave you two lovebirds alone!" Garroth says, chuckling and pulling me away.

"Have fun on your date! Good luck, big brother!!! I'll be your flower girl!" I stage-whisper.

"VIOLET YOU ARE THE WORST!" Zane yells, embarrassed.

Garroth laughs. "C'mon, we gotta go tell Lucinder and Kimmie!"

I squeal and grab his hand. "You're right!! I can't believe I didn't tell them before now! AAAH, I can't wait to tell Melissa, too!"


"I told her about my Zane~Chan ship a looong time ago." I tell him. "Now c'mon, I think Lucinda and Kim are on the other side of the boat." I drag him to the end of the boat, where, sure enough, Kim and Lucinda are drinking something and chatting.

"Violet! Garroth!" Lucinda calls. "Come join us!"

"Hi, Lucinda!" I say, pulling Garroth over. He tries hard to mask his emotions, but his lip is twitching and his eyes are sparkling.

"Hey, Garroth, hi, Violet. Garroth, you look giddy! Did something happen?" Lucinda asks eagerly.

"Ohhh, something happened all right!" Garroth says happily, unable to contain himself. "Huehuehueheaaahooo!"

"Well?" Kim prompts.

"Come on, spill the beans." Lucinda coaxes.

"Zane---" I start.

"And Kawaii~Chan---" Garroth interrupts.

"Are going---"

"On their first date--"

"TONIGHT!" We finish together.

To my surprise, Lucinda doesn't look surprised. "To be honest, I kinda saw this coming. I'll tell you, the only other person I thought Zane might have dated was Aphmau back before she got with Aaron."

"Really?" Kim asks. "But they're best friends!"

"Yeah, but they were very close." Lucinda says.

"He was a bit clingy back then." I put in.

"He was." Lucinda agrees. "Anyway, after finding out Kawaii~Chan was here because of him, it was kind of evident he had some kind of feelings for her, I just didn't know it was that serious."

"I hoped." I laugh.

"Well, they're going to Starlight tonight!" Garroth says proudly. "I'm hoping they kiss or something!!"

I giggle a little louder than necessary.

Lucinda laughs. "It's just a date. Zane would have to get really lucky to get a kiss from Kawaii~Chan. I don't know if I should be happy, or sad for Kawaii~Chan..."

"Eh-hem!" I cough loudly.

She shrugs. "I don't know Zane that well besides the crappy things he did in High School, soo..."

I continue to glare at her.

"HE'S... GOING... ON A WHAT!?!"

Everyone looks at Ghost.

"Oh, no!" I moan, slapping myself.

"NO!" Ghost yells. "I WON'T LET THAT HUSSY TAKE HIM FROM ME!!" She gets up and runs away.

"Darn it, darn it, DARN IT!" I yell, kicking the table. "Ow!"

"She was doing so well..." Lucinda sighs.

"Oh, no, I forgot!" Garroth says urgently. "Quick---we have to stop her!"

"We can't let her ruin Zane~Chan!" I yelp, still holding my toe. I put my foot down, testing it, and then turn to Lucinda and Garroth defiantly. "We have to make sure she doesn't ruin their date!"

"Right!" Lucinda and Garroth agree.

"Come on! If we hurry, we can get there before her!" I run off the boat and towards the entrance, Lucinda and Garroth on my heels. 

MyStreet: Starlight (OC Character Added)Where stories live. Discover now