I Like You...

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"HAUNTED HOUSE DAY!" Melissa says, her eyes shining.

I'm sure my eyes are just as sparkly when I join her and yell "HAUNTED HOUSE DAAAY!" Much like Garroth's Mall Day chant, I repeat it over and over and over. Except this is SO MUCH better than Mall Day, because if there's any time Zane~Chan could prevail, it's today! I already shared my ship-suspicions with Melissa, and she doesn't believe me. Although she hasn't gotten to know my teddy-bear brother, so she just thinks KC is a sweetheart I'm shipping with Oscar the Grouch.

"Huh? What?" Blaze says.

"Today is the day we all go to the Haunted House in the theme park!" Melissa explains.


"You're really excited for the Haunted House." Maria observes. "Must like spooky things, huh?"

"Well, that aaaand... Take it away, Guy!" Melissa says happily.

"The Haunted House is Starlight's prize Haunted House!" Guy says. "Full of mystery and spooks! But on top of that, Starlight's Haunted House is known for its ROMANCE!"

"W-what?" Garroth demands. "What's so romantic about a Haunted House??"

"It's just an urban legend going around on social media." Guy explains.

"Well, I don't have social media!" I glare at Garroth, who convinced Mummy and Dad I was too young. And, since I don't have a job, they still pay for my phone's data, so I can't get it. "So, I DON'T BELIEVE NOTHIN' THEY SAY! I READ IT ON A STARLIGHT WONDERLAND WEBSITE!"

"Buuut..." Guy continues, as if I've said nothing. "People say that they have had...intimate experience with their loved ones in there. Either a confession, or something of the sort."

I sneak a glance at Melissa, who beams back at me.

"Which means taking Aphmau and Aaron in there is perfect for romance-y things!" Melissa squeals.

"Oh, I see." Maria says, not sounding at all happy.

"Wow, Melissa, you sure are a supportive sister!" Blaze tells her.

"I try." She says humbly.

"But this kind of stuff doesn't always happen in the Haunted House." Guy reminds us. "Just giving you a heads-up, darlings."

"I NEED IT TO HAPPEN FOR MY SHIP!" I squeal. Melissa laughs.

"I do, too. Which is why, if something doesn't happen, a little Melissa-intervention will help fix that up right away!"

And a little Violet-intervention for a certain brother of mine...

"Heeeheehee! Now! We're going to be heading to the Haunted House around 6 PM, right when the sun starts setting." Melissa says. "So we can get that mood lighting in."

"So no one be late, or we're leaving your butts here!" I break in, looping my arm through Melissa's. She grins, pulling me back to our room and giggling all the way.

"I can't wait for tonight!" I gush when we're back in my part of our conjoining rooms. "ZANE~CHAN AND AARMAU WILL PREVAIL!"

"Sshhh!" Melissa says, putting her hand over my mouth. "You don't want your brother to hear you, do you?"

I laugh, it somewhat muffled. "Nwp!"

Melissa giggles. Then her mood dies a bit. "Hey, um, can I talk to you?"

"Mm-hm!" I say, gesturing to her hand on my mouth. She nods and removes her hand.

"Aaron has... run into some problems." Melissa starts slowly. "He and the other werewolves were turned away at a restaurant because they were werewolves."

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