Lucinda Breaks In

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"Violet! Hey! Wake up!"

I lazily open my eyes to see Kim standing over me. "G'way." I mutter.

"Oh, come on, Violet!" Zane complains from across the room. I look over and see Lucinda, Garroth and Kawaii~Chan as well. "Aphmau wants us to meet her. You coming or not?"

I yawn and throw my covers off. "Just give me a minute to get dressed." After they leave, I pull my pajamas off and throw my outfit on, putting my headband in my hair while trying to simultaneously get my bedhead to tame itself. When I'm satisfied (three minutes later) I exit my room and find everyone waiting impatiently.

"Come on, let's go." Garroth says happily, heading downstairs and out the door. We all follow him.

"Why on earth is Aphmau being so cryptic?" Zane asks aloud.

"I dunno." Garroth answers.

"She probably wants to talk to us in private about something important." Lucinda suggests.

"Oh. We couldn't just talk in her and Aaron's room?" Kim wonders.

"It's odd for her to ask us by text." Zane says. "This must be something important, then."

"Zane?" Kawaii~Chan asks, sounding worried.

"Where does their text say to meet?" Garroth asks.

"It says..." Lucinda checks her phone. "On Twilight Beach."

"Oh!" I exclaim. "I know where that is! It's where Aphmau and Aaron met! The day we got here!"

"No time to lose." Zane says. "Let's go!" We run for the beach, quick as we can, seeing Aphmau and Aaron sitting on beach towels as if waiting for us.

"Aphmau!" Zane cries. "Aaron! Are you guys okay?"

"We got your text." I supply.

Aph giggles. "We're fine!"

"Your faces are red." I observe.

"Are you guys sick?" Lucinda demands.

"N-no!" Aph says. "We just have a... very special announcement!"

Zane, Kawaii~Chan, Garroth, Kim, Lucinda and I all look around at each other, each as confused as the next.

Aphmau and Aaron meet each other's eyes, as if coordinating their next sentence, and then yell "WE'RE ENGAGED!!!"

Lucinda screams. "NO WAY NO WAY!!!"

"About time!" I shriek, clasping my hands under my chin, my grin going from ear to ear.

"That's amazing!" Kim says.

"THIS IS WONDERFUL!" Garroth yells, tears streaming down his face. "CONGRATULATIONS!!"

"G-guys..." Zane says happily, and even he's tearing up. I'm trying to figure out how to hug both my siblings at once when Zane turns to Kawaii~Chan. "Wait. Kawaii~Chan..."

A shadow has gone over Kawaii~Chan's face. She makes tiny squeaking noises.

"Kawaii~Chan..." Zane says as if warning the rest of us.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" KC squeals, her eyes sparkling. "HEEEHEHEHEEEE! OH MY GOSH, YES!!!" She does a weird little spasm dance and then soars into the sky, miles above us. "WHOOOOO!" She comes back down, landing in the ocean in a belly flop.

"Oh, Irene..." Zane sighs.

"Did she just-----die?" Garroth asks.

"That's an... understatement." Zane says.

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