What Do I DO!?

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"That Haunted House wasn't scary at all!" Lucinda laughs.

"Are you kidding me?? How did it not scare you?" Dottie demands.

"Yeah!" Daniel says, shivering. "It gave me the spooks."

"I'm a witch, I've been to the spirit world!" Lucinda says cheerfully. "Trust me. I've seen scarier."

"There are scarier things in this world?" Daniel asks, his eyes wide. "EEP!"

Garroth laughs. "Speaking of Haunted House, did anyone have a romantic experience?"

"HUH!?" Zane and Kawaii~Chan both ask instantly. I notice they both look bright red.

"Oh, because of that thing Guy said?" Lucinda asks. "Garroth, I'm sure that was just an urban legend going around online. It's not real."

"Besides," Melissa says, tearing up. "The only two people I wanted to see sparks fly weren't even there so it doesn't matter ahahaahhaaaaaa..." She starts bawling.

"Besiiides, who would even kiss in a Haunted House?" Garroth asks. "It's kind of hard to do that, wouldn't you think? I mean, first you gotta get in the mood and everything, and then you gotta be able to stay in the mood with all the creepy-crawlies around you and maybe some people interrupting as they go around, then it's like you can't really make out, before something comes to scare you and then you----"

"AAAAAAAAH!" Zane and Kawaii~Chan both scream out of nowhere, and then they sprint away, their tomato-faces shining like beacons.

"Yeah!" Garroth says. "And then that happens, see?"

"Oh, Kawaii~Chan, are you going to the bathroom? Wait up!" Lucinda calls, running after her.

Melissa sighs. "I think I'm just going to go to the beach and play volleyball or something."

"BALL!" Daniel says happily. "Can we go?"

"Oooh yeah, can we?" Dottie pleads.

"Sure!" Melissa says. "I need something to get my mind off of failure. UGH." she trails towards the beach with the other werewolves, and the rest of us head back for the ship. Garroth leaves for his room and I go to mine to read.

And then I hear a bunch of swearing and groaning and yells about woman-girl-things and human emotions and I sigh.

What's happened now, Zane? Hmmm... did it have anything to do with the fact that his face was bright red after Garroth mentioned the Haunted House myth?

Oooooh... does this have something to do with Zane~Chan??

I sit up and go to his room, knocking for a solid five minutes before he finally opens up.

"Hi, Vi, bye, Vi!" He says quickly, trying to close his door.

"Ah-ah-ah!" I slip by his door. "Spill."

He sits on his bed stubbornly. "Nuh-uh."

I start tapping my foot, mimicking Mummy. "I'll tell Garroth you're hiding something."


"I'll tell Dad."


"I'll tell..." I lean forward, whispering now. "Mummy."

His eyes go wide and he flushes bright red. "ALL RIGHT ALREADY! I KISSED KAWAII~CHAN!"

My jaw drops, and I turn to close his door before spinning back to him. "Wait---what? Like, on the lips?"

"Nooooo, on the butt." Zane says sarcastically. "YES ON THE LIPS YOU'RE AS BAD AS APHMAU!!" Zane hollers.

I plop down next to him on his bed. "What happened?"

"I DON'T KNOW!!! We were just talking, and she said she'd ship me with her, and then it just HAPPENED!" He looks to me, panicked.

"Zane, this isn't that big a deal." I try, but he shakes his head wildly.


I try hard, but it doesn't hold back the giggle that escapes. "You liked it?"


"Sorry, sorry!" I say, holding my hands up in surrender. "But... what happened then?"

"What else? I ran for it!" Zane says, wringing his hands. "I mean, we both did. Sort of."

"Well, do you like her?"

Zane doesn't answer for a second. "Yeah."

I can't contain my squeal and I hug Zane tight. "Ohhh, I'm so happy for you!"

"Violet, gross!" He pushes me away. "You're as bad as mom!"

"Why, thank you!" I say brightly. "Now, Zane, do you know if she likes you? Like, reeeeeeally likes you?"


"Let me put it this way: Has she told you things she's never told anyone else? Who leaned in first? And did she or did she not pull away first?" I ask, all business-like.

"Um, yes, both of us, and no." Zane says.

I grin. "She totally likes you."

Zane smiles a tiny bit. "You...you think so?"

"I know so." I assure him. "Did you tell her stuff in return? Something about... hiding?" I say softly.

He doesn't turn red like I thought he would. He just looks away sadly. "Oh. You remember that?"


"Well, that was just---I mean, I---"

"Zane, be honest. Am I a good sister?"

He looks at me, surprised. I can tell that whatever he thought I was going to say, it wasn't that. "H-huh?"

"What you told Kawaii~Chan, when you were talking about hiding something... did... did you tell her you were... ignored? Because of me?"

His eye grows wide. "No! I-I told her what I told you guys at the lodge! About G-Garroth...And, um, elaborated... sorta..."

My heart swells with relief. "Oh." I hug Zane tight. "I'm glad."

"Aaah, Violet, no hugs!" He pushes me away, but I notice he did it real slow. I giggle and pull back, watching him smile.

"Whatever the reason, if you like her, Zane, just... try it out. See what happens. You two are sweet friends, but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't wondered if there was more going on between you two." I say.

His smile drops. "Wait---I didn't say---Um, that is---Violet!!!"

I laugh. "For the record, I've been shipping Zane~Chan since I found out you brought Kawaii~Chan here."

"VIOLET!!!! UGH, YOU'RE AS BAD AS MELISSA!" He gets up off the bed as I giggle. He covers his ears.

"I'm as bad as a lot of people, apparently!" I laugh, heading for the door. But just as he moves to close it, I stick my head back in. "ZANE~CHAN FO-EVER!" I squeal.


Cackling madly, I run down the hallway back to my room. 

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