Aphmau In Pain/My Ears and Tail

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"Hellooooo, happy people!"

Melissa barges into Kim and Lucinda's room, and Garroth, Kim, Lucinda, Zane, Kawaii~Chan and I all look up guiltily.

Melissa's smile falters. "Or... not so happy people. What's up?"

"NOTHING!" All of us say at once.

Melissa does not look convinced. "MM-HM. Spill, banana peels!"

Zane and I exchange a glance. "Ummm... Melissa..." I start. "Well, I talked with Mummy the other day, and, well, she... umm..."

"We think E---He's still alive, and Mr. and Mrs. Lycan know about it, and that's why they called Mrs. and Mr. Ro'Meave here." Kim says hesitantly.

Melissa's jaw drops. "Wait---you think that boy from the lodge is still alive?" Melissa asks.

"I asked Mummy why she was here, and she lied to me." I tell Melissa. "Mummy never lies to me."

Melissa's jaw pops back up, looking skeptical. "Guys, no offense, but I think you're jumping the gun here. The boy from the lodge couldn't have possibly survived. The wolf girl said her pack took care of him."

"But just say that---" Lucinda starts.

"Up-bup!" Melissa says. "C'mon, you guys, think about it. If the boy from the lodge was here, my dad would tell us. We'd all be in danger, and he wouldn't leave it hanging over our heads without our knowledge! Think about it! My dad would warn us."

Garroth whimpers a little. "But what if---"

"Guys! I mean it! We are on Starlight. You're letting your fears of what happened at that place get the best of you! We're supposed to be recovering from it all, not reliving it!" Melissa scolds.

I can tell all of us feel a bit silly now. But we still have doubts. "You didn't see what we saw at the lodge, Melissa." Zane says darkly. "Ei---He is an awful person who can wiggle his way into any place."

Melissa sighs, exasperated. "Guys. I mean it. We've got to stop worrying about what may happen. What happened to yesterday, when all you guys were worried about was these two?" She waves her hand towards Kawaii~Chan and Zane. My inner ship monster stirs a little bit, but I ignore it.

"But, even if I wasn't there when it happened, Kawaii~Chan doesn't want---" Kawaii~Chan starts.

"GUYS!" Melissa explodes. "I'm serious! My dad would tell me if something happened! And I'd tell you! Now, c'mon!" She starts grabbing all of us and hauling us off our seats.

"What are you doing?" Lucinda asks after Melissa has us all up and is seizing us in turn, shoving us out the door.

"We're going to Starlight Adventure park, and we're going to have fun, and you guys are going to forget about what happened last year, because that's old news, and this is NOW, where we're on vacation in freaking Starlight Wonderland, and no grumpy faces are allowed!"

"So, Zane has to leave?" I reason.


Everyone laughs, and it feels really good. Melissa grins. "There's the Violet we know and love! Now, c'mon! I want to ride that crazy roller coaster again so I can ride it with Aaron and not get sick! HA!"

And she sprints for it, whooping at the top of her lungs.


"I'm bored." Melissa complains hours later, lounging in a chair on the deck with me. We're back at the house, having roller-coastered ourselves to oblivion and in need of relaxation. She opens her golden eyes and looks over at me. "I miss my ship."

"Your brother, you mean?"

"Same difference."

I laugh. "I guess you're right." I stop and think for a minute. "We've been here for a while. And Aarmau has been alone all that time."

Melissa giggles. "I almost hope I'm an aunt by now."

"Melissa!" I groan.

"What? I want to be an aunt!"

"Ugh, you're the worst." I laugh. "Although I guess I'm just as bad shipping Zane~Chan. At least I don't want to be an aunt yet!"

"Yet?" Melissa wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh, shut up." I crack up. "If you miss Aaron so bad, why don't you call him?"

Her eyes light up. "Oh!! That's a good idea!" She pulls her phone out and dials to Aaron.

"Hello?" Aaron's voice says, sounding confused.

"Hey baby brother!" Melissa says cheerfully. "Hooooowwww ya beeeeenn? Enjoying your time alone with Aphmaau?" She sings.

Aaron sighs. "Of course. We've only been gone for four days."

"Well, you must have been biz-eh for the last two, because I'VE BEEN CALLING YA AND YA HAVEN'T ANSWERED!!"

I snicker.

"You have??" Aaron says, sounding surprised. "Ohh! Uhhh, yeah, I've been super busy with, uh... things."

"Uh-huh..." Melissa says skeptically. "Well, I'm looking forward to all the little nephews and nieces running around!"

"MELISSA!" Aaron groans. "Why are you calling?!"

Melissa giggles. "Well, I'm calling because I wanted to let you know that you and Aphmau owe me a trip to the Haunted House. Aaaaaaaaaand... we're all coming back to the resort tomorrow."

"We are?" I exclaim happily. Melissa winks as Aaron's voice explodes from the phone.


"Yeah, sorry to spring that up on you all of the sudden." Melissa says apologetically. "But... we're already done a lot here at Starlight Adventure Park, sooooo we decided to head back to the resort. Gonna rest for a few days, pick you guys up, and then head on over to the real Starlight park!"

"BUT, MELISSA----Y-YOU CAN'T!" Aaron says, sounding like he's panicking. Melissa and I exchange a glance and then she answers him.

"Why not?" She asks suspiciously.

"Uhhhhhh, becaaaaause, uhhhhh... KISSING APHMAU RIGHT NOW!" He makes weird smoochy sounds with his mouth that sort of sounds like he's kissing some food. Like a vegetable.

"Awww." Melissa giggles. "Well, I wouldn't want to interrupt that, but seriously. We have to come back. You can't hog Aphmau all to yourself."


"We'll see you soon, little bro!" Melissa says brightly.

"Say hi to Aphmau for me!" I say before she hangs up. I hear Aaron's splutters as Melissa presses the "hang up" button.

Melissa turns to where Mrs. Lycan is basking in the sun. "MOO-OOM! Guess what?"

"What?" Mrs. Lycan lazily opens her eyes.

"Aaron is kissing Aphmau right now!"

"That's nice, dear." She closes her eyes again and Melissa giggles.

"Come on, Violet. Let's go start packing up!"

"Awwww, I'm gonna miss sharing a room with you." I say sadly, following her back to our conjoining rooms.

"Awwwwwww!" Melissa coos, hugging me. "Maybe I can talk to dad and get us another conjoining room or something! Then we can stay up until midnight every night, geeking about SHIPS! WHOO-HOOOO!"

And she charges into our room, whooping about Aarmau. I giggle and follow her example, except about Zane~Chan.

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