Alpha... I mean Aaron!!

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"So... are you guys going to the park today?" Kawaii~Chan asks sadly, watching Zane, Garroth and I pack up. Well, mostly me helping Zane and Garroth stuff things in an orderly fashion.

"Nope!" Garroth says.

"What? Then why are you guys getting packed?" Kawaii~Chan asks.

"Because Garroth and Violet are going to help me bury my soul into the ground." Zane says in a low, dark voice.

"Nya!?" Kawaii~Chan panics.

"Oh, Zane, stop being so dramatic!" I chide, hitting his arm. "We're going to help Zane get a tan, Kawaii~Chan."

"REALLY?!" KC giggles.

"What?" Zane asks.

"Kawaii~Chan can't imagine Zane~Kuhn with a taaaan!" Kawaii~Chan squeals.

"Pfft. You and me both." Zane promises.

"Hey, at least you might be able to tan." I tell him. "No matter what I do, my skin is so light it's freaky."

"Wish mine did that."

"Oh, come on, Zane!" Garroth says happily. "This is a sibling-bonding thing!"

Zane sighs. "Only because you're my family. Hmph."

"YAAAAY!" Garroth and I cheer.

"So, wait, we're in Starlight?" Kawaii~Chan checks. "Why aren't you guys going to any of the parks?"

"Aaron is still waiting on a physical therapy session he has to attend." I explain.

"Once that's over, he's clear to go on rides." Zane says.

"Which is why we're waiting on him." Garroth chimes in. "Plus this gives us more time to figure out how to get you a ticket!"

"I can't believe how nice you guys are being to me!" Kawaii~Chan sniffs. "Honestly, Kawaii~Chan doesn't deserve this."

"Awwwww, of course you deserve it Kawaii~Chan!" Garroth coos.

"But you're all such wonderful and unique friends to me... and I'm not... wonderful or unique." She says tearfully.

"Kawaii~Chan, don't say things like that." Zane orders. "Everyone deserves good friends. Trust me. Took me years to learn that."

"You guys are too sweet... t-thank you." Kawaii~Chan sniffs. "Thank you again!"

"No problem, Kawaii~Chan!" I say brightly. "Now, we're going to get Zane a tan. When we get back, we'll try to keep brainstorming ways to get you an official ticket here."

"In the meantime, stay hidden." Garroth commands.

"Will do!" Kawaii~Chan promises. We turn and leave, Zane lagging to give Kawaii~Chan a LOOK. I pull him along and we head down to the beach. I spread my soft yellow towel out and start lathering myself with sunscreen, tucking my hair behind my purple headband so I can get my ears.

"Aren't you going to try?" Garroth asks.

"Nope! No matter what I do, I'll always have fair skin." I say, rubbing my nose with the white cream. "Zane, however..."

We both turn to look at my grumpy brother spreading a black towel out. He glares at us. "What?!"

"Nothing." We chorus, and start giggling together. "Garroth, I'm going to go in the water, okay? Make sure Zane does it right!" I say sternly. "Let's not forget the time as kids when you accidentally dyed my hair green when it was supposed to be blonde!"

"Right, right!" Garroth says breezily. He sets a timer on his phone and instructs Zane how to lay down. Then he starts the timer and sits back. I laugh at Zane's relaxing face and get up, heading for the aqua-blue waves lapping the shore.

"Brr." I mutter when I step in. My purple-pink skirt swirls around me, and I laugh as I soak my hair and my clothes. I love the ocean. The feel of the sun on my skin and the water in my hair. I sit down up to my neck, feeling around for good shells or oysters. Or sand dollars. I love finding little knick knacks.

"ZANE, DID YOU SLEEP THROUGH THE TURNING!?" I suddenly hear, and I flinch so hard I accidentally swallow a bunch of water. I sputter quickly, standing up and storming towards the beach in time to see a very red Zane bolt upright.

"Garroth... why are you yelling, I---OWCH! WHY DO I HURT?" Zane exclaims. I run faster, skidding into Garroth.

"Woah." I mutter.

"MOTHER OF IRENE!" Garroth screams.

"Huh....huh....AAAAAAAAAAH!" Zane screams, rubbing at his bright red, burning skin.

"Oh my Irene." I whisper. "Uhhh...Zane, let's get you back to the house. You need... a lot of medicine."

Like, gallons.

I probably should've just gone to the pool with Lucinda and Kim. 

MyStreet: Starlight (OC Character Added)Where stories live. Discover now