Chapter Two

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"Don't make me do something I regret" I said with hot tears rolling down my face. "It's too late for that Onika, you already made me hit you" "You're keeping secrets from me that involve my life!" I whisper shouted at him. He eyed the lamp and before I knew it he lunged towards me but I swung the lamp at him and heard his body thud. "Fuck." I checked his pulse it was faint but still there, he was clinging for dear life.

January 12th
Queens, NY
Onika's POV

January 12thQueens, NYFuneralOnika's POV

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*Current Time*

I felt someone staring at me from behind, but I was too scared to turn around.  I murdered the person in that casket, that innocent father for crying out loud.

As I slowly got back to reality I saw my mother was almost done with her eulogy and I was up next. Tears streamed down my face seeing the pain in my mother's eyes, the pain I caused.

"Nicki" I heard someone whisper, I look up to see my mom looking at me confusingly. Ever since the incident happened, reality hasn't been a thing for me. I'm always lost in thought replaying every movement that led up to the final one.

"'s your turn" my mom grabbed my shoulder lightly moving me back and forth. I nodded in response and got up. I couldn't bring myself to write a eulogy so I was going to be saying whatever came to the top of my head.

"Robert Maraj...a father, husband, son, and friend to all. He didn't deserve what happened to him" I looked down at my fingers fidgeting with each other as my body temperature went up by the second and my breathing sped up.

"Seeing his blood on the floor, forced trauma to his head...he didn't deserve it" nausea settled in my body and it kept getting worse. "I loved him with all my heart...he was not only my father, but the best friend I never had" all the memories as me as a kid piled in.

Hot tears ran down my face. I couldn't do it, I couldn't act like I wasn't the reason he was in the casket at his own funeral. "Secrets break another's heart, no matter how good or bad."

"The older I got, the more I realized the relationship I had with my father was built off a secrets, secrets I would never suspect" I got the courage to finally look up at all the people to see my mother, cousins, uncles, aunts, a couple people I assumed were my dad's coworkers, Normani was there for emotional support...and Giselle.

I stared at her as she stared at me back with those beautiful honey eyes of hers. She was sitting with her fingers intertwined with another female. I gasped and ran off into the restroom puking up my breakfast. About two minutes later I heard the door open a little as I flushed the toilet, but stayed in the stall.

"Hello?" I recognized that voice, the only time she really spoke to me. The flashback of her first telling me her name came to my head. I smiled at her voice, but didn't say anything.

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