Chapter Eighteen

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November 25th
Music Studio
Beyoncé's POV

"Why was I stupid enough to ghost Onika for 2 years knowing she was pregnant with my children?"

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"Why was I stupid enough to ghost Onika for 2 years knowing she was pregnant with my children?"

I wrote and wrote multiple answers to that questions but none of them were right, there was no reason to do that. I felt a rage build up as Imani had called me for the 10th time in the past 30 minutes.

I answered the phoned which resulted in a loud noise as if she had dropped it.

"Stop you bitch" Imani had spoken and I quickly got even more irritated. "Shouldn't you be stopping you're the one calling me 10 times" I snapped and she giggled.

"I'm not talking to you BB, I'm talking to your psycho ex Nika" I smiled but quickly wiped it away and spoke in a serious tone.

"Put her on the phone"

"Yes prince- Onika" I stopped myself before calling her princess like I used to.

"You can call me Nicki, but umm seeing you the other day made me realize how much I miss you and how unfair I was being by not letting you see your kids and I was wondering..."

"yes!" I quickly shouted before she could finish which made her chuckle. "Well I'm at your house but the kids aren't here if you were gonna be back soon"

"I'm on my way" I told her excited to see her.

I got into the car unaware of what would happen next.

Onika's POV

"So you're Bey's roommate?" I tried making conversation with the mysterious beauty who answered her door but she wasn't having it.

"Yes." She rolled her eyes with her arms crossed.

"Okay. What's your name?"


"Umm wheres your restroom?" I asked clasping my hands together thinking of any excuse to get out of this conversation.

"Down that hall, you'll find it" I nodded going down the hall seeing five different doors.

Why the hell does she need this big of a house?

Eventually, I found a restroom and stared in the mirror taking in my appearance. Am I really ready to face Beyoncé again?

I paced in a circle until something caught my eye. My eyes darted to the trash as I saw an all too familiar item.

I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and picked up the pregnancy test seeing two bold lines on it.

A hall formed in my throat as I held back the tears.

I had no reason to be mad or sad, she wasn't mine

I went back to the living and looked up at Imani. "Did you sleep with Bey?" Her face grew slightly red and she looked away.

"No" I could tell she was lying, I just knew it. "Look me in the eyes and tell me you didn't" She looked in my eyes and nervously laughed.

"That's what I thought" I grabbed my bags and put my hand on the door.


I slammed the door and got into my car taking a deep breath before driving away.

I'm really starting to think we're not meant to be.

I got home and as soon as I opened the door Zara ran up. "Mama look" I looked to where she pointed which was towards the TV but I couldn't see anything so I walked closer so I could see and what I saw had to be some sort of sick joke.

"I saw her be...fore" Sage struggled with her words as I nodded slowly tears streaming down my face.

"That's your other mother"


I didn't even realize it's been nearly a month since I updated😳

Anyways this is the second to last chapter, I'll publish the last one later today💕

Don't be mad at me if it ends bad
(Also sorry for these short ass chapters)

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