Chpater Seven

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March 30
Houston, TX
Beyoncé's House
Onika's POV

I turned to lay on my side and decided to take a quick nap until Bey's big ass jumped on me. "No sleepingggg" she demanded while tickling me. She made me stay at her house for the past three days since hearing the other gang is after me.

"Stoppp BB" I giggled until she stopped. "You're so annoying" I teased her and she rolled her eyes. "You're always sleepinggg" she whined.

I kissed her lips and got off the bed. "I'm hungryyy" I complained. "I cooked you breakfast 20 minutes ago Nicki" She said as I crossed my arms and pouted "I'm still hungry"

Before Bey could say anything my phone rung. I flopped on the bed and answered the FaceTime from Normani.

"Are you alone?" She asked instantly with a weird tone. "No, Beyoncé is here too" she nodded and said it's okay. "I messed up" she said lowly.

"How so?" Bey asked and I hit her shoulder. "Let her talk" I sternly whispered at Bey.

"Well sometime last month Dinah cheated on me again-"

"again? you needa leave her ass" Bey interrupted.

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles shut the fuck up" Bey nodded and continued listening to Normani.

"As I was saying, last month she cheated on me again and I had enough but this time I had proof she cheated. So I rushed out the house and went to the club and one thing led to another...I'm pregnant"

I squealed happily, I couldn't help it I just love babies. "That's a good thing right?" She shook her head "Dinah doesn't know I don't think I can tell her"

"Normani...your relationship with her is nothing but toxic, you cheat on each other, she doesn't like your friends, she's never-" I was cut off by a gunshot outside.

"Shit" Bey said as she went under the bed and grabbed her gun. "Nicki hide somewhere" I hung up on Normani and ran to the restroom as I saw Bey leave the room.

"Be safe BB" I said trying not to cry, I was scared, I was worried, I didn't know what was going to happen.

I sat on the restroom floor against the door with my knees to my chest crying silently. Numerous thoughts running through my head.

What if she gets hurt?

What if she dies?

What if she kills them and go to jail?

What if she-

My thoughts were cut off by Solange screaming. "BEYONCÉ GET UP RIGHT NOW" that was all I needed to hear to send me over the edge. I quickly got up and ran to where I heard the scream seeing my BB shot in the leg and arm.

Tears filled my eyes as I zoned out. "NIKA RUN" Bey yelled and before I could move someone grabbed me and took me away.

Beyoncé's POV

I stumbled getting up trying to get Onika back. "FUCK" I yelled in pain as I fell back down.

Solange was calling 911 but I know damn well I'm not staying in a hospital when Onika is out there with people who want her dead.

As I dragged my leg outside I saw no sign of them anywhere. "Bey sit the hell down now" Solange demanded but I shook my head. "Not when Nika is out there, I said I wouldn't let anything happen to her I'm keeping my promise."

Solange grabbed my arm and forced me down. "At least go to the hospital and call your gang to track them" an idea popped into my head. "Tell the cops everything that happened, I gotta go"

I dialed Brandy's number and told her to meet at the warehouse. I drove there and got out bleeding through the clothe Solange wrapped around my wounds.

"Shit Bey what happened" Robyn asked as soon as I walked in. "They got Nicki" mostly the whole gang was here and they all loved Onika so I knew this got them mad as hell.

Brandy took me to the medical room we had and gave me some numbing medication. I fell asleep during as she took the bullets out and stitched it and I woke up an hour later.

One of the new girls, Symphani had already got two possible locations they could be so the gang split up in half and each went the one of the locations.

Robyn, Symphani, Tinashe, Aubrey, and I went to the first location which was this little abandoned trailer park area.

I stayed in the car as a get away driver while they snuck in looking around. About 10 minutes later I heard yelling and shit ton of gunshots but when I saw everyone doing okay I didn't panic.

They all hopped in the car yelling to drive away. "So where to now?" Aubrey asked as Robyn was getting a call.

After she hung up she put an address in the GPS and I drove there leading us to this trap house. We parked near the other car and all got out. When we got in we saw Onika unconscious beat up on the floor.

Tinashe and Robyn grabbed Onika while the others investigated the trap house. Nobody was here surprisingly well that was until we heard a car pull up so we all hurried out and got into the cars.

"Yoncé she has to go to the hospital" Tinashe pouted seeing how bad Onika was beat up. She had faint pulse but she wasn't dead.

I held her hand on the way to the hospital and everyone stayed in as I rushed Onika in. "She's been beat badly, can you please help her." I begged the hospital clerk and she nodded as I sat in the waiting room for what I thought would be minutes but turned into hours.

"Are you the one who brought Onika Maraj in here?" Some nurse asked and I nodded my head.

She took a deep breath and looked back at me. "The worst part of the job is telling people the aftermath" she 'joked' and I gave her a look. "Okay so Onika was beat very badly, she is currently in a coma and has a concussion...she will wake up anywhere between tomorrow to next month"

My face dropped when she said "month" I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "Did I hear you right?" She nodded slowly as I grabbed my phone and walked out.

Whoever did this to her was going to pay.


i feel like I've been writing this story for ages but it's only chapter seven.

anyways I'll update again early tomorrow

love y'all, xoxoxo💘

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