Chapter Sixteen

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Onika's POV
November 16th
Onika's Apartment

Two Years Later

"Mama" I turned slowly to face my baby, Sage. "Yes, Sage?" She smiles and giggled bouncing up and down. "Apple" She demanded while pointing at the apple sauce on my nightstand. "You want it?" I asked moving to go pick it up until another pair of hands snatched it away.

"Zara, give that here" I snapped as Sage's twin Zara took the apple sauce from my hand. "Mine." She told me while giving me a stink eye. These children are almost two and have a whole personality already.

I got off the bed walking to the kitchen to go get another apple for Sage but when I walked past the living room something on the news caught my attention.

"A few days ago, singer Beyoncé spotted in Hawaii with mystery girl-" I powered down the TV not wanting to hear another second of it.

After Beyoncé blew up on me at the jail I never came back...well once after the twins were born to tell her they survived birth and to apologize but apparently she had gotten released early and was working on music.

She didn't bother to call or text me these whole two years, she doesn't know that she had two children in this world, she doesn't know anything that's gone on these past few years.

After the jail incident, I packed up and left anything having to do with Beyoncé was beyond me so I gave up. She's famous now and I'm glad for her I just hope I could've been there with her alongside her children.

Snapping me out of my thoughts I could hear Sage crying. Their birthday is coming up in two months and Normani said she wanted to throw them a little surprise party so I allowed her.

I grabbed an apple sauce container out the fridge running it up to Sage so she could stop crying, these kids love apple sauce.

I showed Sage the container as she smiled widely bouncing while doing grabby hands. I waved it around teasing her as she got a little frustrated.

"Here" I gave it to her to and she started eating it almost immediately.

A little while later Normani was texting me telling me she wanted to meet somewhere. As I was getting ready an unknown number called me but I ignored it not bothering to answer it.

Until they called again and again and again. I answered and waited not hearing anything but chatter in the background. "Stop. Fucking. Calling. Me" I spoke sternly in the phone hearing a gasp then sigh before I hung up.

I got the kids and dropped them off at daycare before going to the location Normani sent me. It was a small restaurant which has nice scenery.

"Reservation with Normani?" I told the lady at the front who took me to where Normani was which had a good view of all the windows on one side of the housing and the front door.

About an hour later the waitress arrived with our meals as Normani stared behind me with an open mouth.

I was about to turn around when she touched my hand bringing my attention back to her. "It's nothing, it's nothing. Look at your food it looks so good"

I nodded suspiciously as I started eating until two people walked by me. Noticing the figure of one of them I looked up instantly noticing who it was.

"Oh shit. It's-" "Shhh" Normani interrupted me as Beyoncé and that mystery girl that was in Hawaii a few days ago sat down in the table next to us.

"I think I wanna take this to go" I pouted as Normani nodded in agreement. My phone went off one more time from the same number I had told to stop calling me but when I looked at Beyoncé she had been calling someone.

Not thinking I answered it while side-eyeing Beyoncé and as soon as I had answered it her face had lit up.

I shook my head with tears threatening to fall. I didn't understand what I was feeling it was sadness, anger, frustration, confusion, and happiness all in one.

I hung up seeing Beyoncé take the phone away from her face right after I hung up. I got up and rushed out of the restaurant going into my car sitting there.

Why the hell is Bey calling me?

Not me updating a month later with this ass chapter😳

Anyways I may or may not be back if anybody still reading this book.

They had twins🥰

And Bey blowing up Onika's phone and for what?

Anywayssss love y'all, bye bye 💕

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