Chapter Four

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December 31st
Houston, TX
Carol & Robert's House
Onika's POV

December 31stHouston, TXCarol & Robert's HouseOnika's POV

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*Day of Robert's Murder*

I woke up and went downstairs to do whatever this morning had planned before I go to work and like always my dad is on the fucking phone.

"They'll kill her if they find her. She already caught you once, don't let it happen again."


"Get somebody else to deliver drugs, she works today so go keep an eye out"

I walked downstairs ignoring his presence as he quickly hung up after he saw me. "Hey Onika" I continued minding my mind as I went to the study room where my mother was.

"Hey momma" I smiled as she spun around in her spinny chair looking at me. "Hey Nika, how'd you sleep?" "Nothing but good dreams" she nodded and spun back around to continue what she was working on.

I looked at the monitor to see a doc of at least 2000 words. "What's that?" I asked pointing at her screen. "My new book, I've been working on it for a little while now" I nodded and kissed her on the forehead "I have to get ready for work, love you" "I love you too Nicki"

I left the study room to see my dad standing there waiting for me. "What?" I don't see why he was waiting for me. "We need to talk....sit down" I shook my head and stayed standing where I was.

"Alrighty then, I just want to know why you're eavesdropping on my conversations?" I sighed. Was this really his biggest problem?

"Why are you telling someone to protect me?"

"Cause they'll kill you"

"Who is they?"

"I can't tell you. Private information"

I shook my head and held my hand up in his direction, I didn't feel like dealing with his antics this early. I walked away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"Listen to Onika, we are in danger"

I scrunched my face up. "I think I'm in danger, and you're the person i should be hiding from"

He scoffed and looked at me. "Why would i hurt my own daughter?" I let out a quick laugh. "Why would you keep secrets from me?"

"Stop with the foolishness Onika" I walked away but he grabbed my arm again. "Stop walking away from me."

"There's a lot of this stop stuff going on, i heard you with my own ears telling someone to deliver drugs and protect me, now leave me alone" I pushed him a little too hard and he fell back onto the table.

When he arose there was nothing but anger in his eyes, his fist balled up by his sides, and a mean scowl worn on his face. He walked up to me and hovered above my short frame.

"'re scaring me" I hesitated to look in his eyes but when I did i was on the floor with a sharp sting on the side of my face.

I was stuck in place from the events just happened. My own fucking father hit me like I bullied him for years and he finally got fed up. I picked myself off the floor regaining my balance. "You're a fucking pussy" I said to him spitting out the blood in my mouth. He hit me once again causing me to back away. "Get the fuck away from me." I grabbed the lamp from the table next to me and started backing up.

"Don't make me do something I regret" I said with hot tears rolling down my face. "It's too late for that Onika, you already made me hit you" "You're keeping secrets from me that involve my life!" I whisper shouted at him. He eyed the lamp and before I knew it he lunged towards me but I swung the lamp at him and heard his body thud. "Fuck."

I checked his pulse it was faint but still there, he was clinging for dear life. "No no no no, I didn't kill my dad...he isn't dead" he blinked slowly. "My phone passcode is want to know the truth...look there" his breathing slowed until he took his last breath. I stood up slowly standing there. It wasn't supposed to end this way, I just wanted to know the truth.

Here I stood over my dad's dead body, blood on my hands and my white t-shirt and jeans. How did this happen? Blood on the lamp I hit his head with. This wasn't the plan. My mother in the other room clueless of the unresponsive body in front of her stairs. I panicked and dropped the lamp causing my mom to come to the noise which echoed through the house. I can't get out this situation now. Her ear piercing screams shooting through the neighborhood. She looked at me terror and fear in her eyes. This is not the Onika she knows. The question I waited for her to ask finally came out.

"Onika...what happened?"

"I don't know mommy" I started sobbing looking at what I've done. "He was going to attack was self defense." I looked at her. "What do I do momma, I can't go to jail."

"Go take a shower and burn the clothes somewhere" I did as told and took a shower replaying the events in my head. 'You couldn't know, they'd kill you'.

Who is they....why would they kill me....tear streamed down my face as I got out the shower and put on a completely different outfit burning my clothes in the fireplace.

I went downstairs to see my mom had cleaned the lamp, but not the blood pile. "I'm going to call 911...act normal." She said sternly and I nodded, how the hell do I act normal I killed my fucking father.

I looked in the living room and kitchen and it was trashed, "say we came home and found him dead with the house like this" I nodded hoping I could pull this off.

"Please husband is dead, it looks like a break in...please get here fast." My mom was bawling her eyes out, I couldn't tell if it was genuine or what, but the police got here and I froze.

Please let this work.

They investigated and nothing pointed back to me, they took the body away and my mom and I were off the hook....for now.


This was supposed to be chapter 5 but I hated the original chapter 4🌚

Anyways, y'all know what happened that night...Onika just actin on her instincts.

Anyways, xoxo🌻

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